Recent content by MudEnjoyer
  1. MudEnjoyer

    SONY NW-ZX700

    Don’t worry about performing any upgrades.
  2. MudEnjoyer


    If it fits, it fits 🤷‍♂️
  3. MudEnjoyer


    Using INAIRS right now. Not that I think they're the best. I prefer Comply but they don't really work with deep insertion for me. INAIRS have a softer stem.
  4. MudEnjoyer


    For the memory foam folk I'd like to report a game changer. I had some tips that I bought for the Moondrop Variations and used on the Z1R but due to their size, placing them on 2 instead of the usual 1 nozzle placement as seen in the picture. The comfort is out of this world, it could pass...
  5. MudEnjoyer

    Rank the IEM's you've heard

    IER-M9 is simply the king. If you dig that type of sound signature which of course not every audiophile loves, there is still nothing like it in the market.
  6. MudEnjoyer


    I think the issue is actually that the Z1R fits too well in my case. I wear it so deep you can barely see it. And the deeper you get it, the more rigid the tip has to be. As otherwise it will bend on itself and lose seal. But most tips are either too soft, or have this bouncy nature that makes...
  7. MudEnjoyer


    That's for sure, but I feel all the IER series require a PhD in tip rolling and insertion depth. It shouldn't have to be like that.
  8. MudEnjoyer


    Just got the AZLA SednaEarfit MAX ASMR tips, as I am looking for tips with wax guard now on my expensive IEMs. Terrible fit for the Z1R. Cannot get a seal even with the largest size. It's alright for shallow but the moment I shove them inside they break seal. So far, until now AZLA has done...
  9. MudEnjoyer

    Sony XBA-N3AP and XBA-N1AP — Impressions thread

    It is close. The M7 is superior in terms of technical performance, but not by a significant margin, and the N3 is more fun and dynamic at the end of the day. In my opinion it is not worth the upgrade, unless you want to go for something like the M9, which is definitely on another league...
  10. MudEnjoyer

    Sony XBA-N3AP and XBA-N1AP — Impressions thread

    Ditto. It was the IEM that gave me this "eureka!" moment. Almost enlightening. Made me hate everything I have purchased prior to it.
  11. MudEnjoyer

    What were your mistakes you made buying your first or buying any IEM?

    Taking advice from people who listen to k-pop and j-pop.
  12. MudEnjoyer


    I am surprised myself how little of a problem that 6kHz peak is. It made me realize that I only have issues with 5kHz (where I normally hear a huge resonance with pretty much every IEM that graphs flat there, and I cannot use IEM that are already having a peak). The Z1R gets a lot of hate from...
  13. MudEnjoyer

    Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Still has nothing on a blocked vent E3000.
  14. MudEnjoyer

    Flagship 10 Knowles BA FA19 Is Officially Released

    Yeah I don't get this either. As long as the distortion remains under a good level with the desired volume, there shouldn't be a need to add more drivers. The dual subwoofer setup that is trendy these days might be good for delivering the feel of more air moving (if it works) though. Ideally...
  15. MudEnjoyer

    Sony IER-M9 impressions thread

    I’m glad I stocked up as well a year ago. If I had to choose I’m more partial to the Sony’s as they are airier and have that extra silicone like sparkle. Comply are more linear and sound more correct.