Silverthorne, CO
Headphone Inventory
ZMF Verite Open, Heddphone, Focal Clear, Hifiman HE1000 Stealth, Hifiman HE6se, ZMF Aeolus, Audeze LCD-X (2022), Stax LS300, EMU Teaks, Beyer T1v1, Nector Sound Pollinator e-stats, Focal Elegia, Sennheiser HD700 & HD6XX, Massdrop Fostex TH-X00 Purplehearts, Audioquest Nighthawk Carbons, Grado SR325, Porta-Pros, Moondrop Kato.
Headphone Amp Inventory
Schitt Freya+, Flux FA-10, Cayin HA-3A, Phonitor 2, Hagerman Tuba, Schitt Valhalla 2, Stax SRM-323A, Topping EHA5, Gustard X26, Burson Conductor 3XP, Denafrips Hermes DDC, Musician Audio Draco, SMSL M500, SMSL SP200, Ifi iCan SE, JDS Labs Atom, Schiit Lokius, Stax SRM-252S,
Source Inventory
Roon, Pi2Designs Mercury 2, Allo USBridge & USBridge Sig., 2 Thecus NAS(60TB)
Cable Inventory
Mixed, but really like price/quality of Ghent Audio.
My HIGHLY modified 1970 BMW 2002 and Mini Cooper S.


PHONES: ZMF Verite Open & Aeolus, Heddphone, Hifiman HE1000 Stealth & HE6seV2, Focal Clear Pro(OG) & Elegia, Audeze LCD-X (‘22), Stax LS300, Beyer T1v1, Sennheiser HD700 & HD6XX, Emu Teaks, TH-X00 Purpleheart, Nighthawk Carbons, Grado SR325, Nectar Pollinators, Koss Porta-Pros, Moondrop Kato, 7Hz Dioko.
DACs: Gustard X26 Pro, Musician Draco, Burson Conductor 3XP, SMSL M500, Questyle M15i.
AMPS: Cayin HA-3A, Phonitor 2, Hagerman Tuba, Flux FA10, Schitt Valhalla 2, Stax SRM-323A, Topping EHA5, Stax 252, SMSL SP200, Ifi iCan Micro SE, JDS Labs Atom.
MISC: Denafrips Hermes DDC, Schiit Lokius, Schitt Freya+, Mercury V2 Streamer, FiiO PL50, 2 Nobsound 1x4 SE splitter, and 1into 3 Balanced switcher.


