Fiio FT5
May 29, 2024 at 9:28 AM Post #376 of 382
I just ordered the FT5 and should have them in hand in a couple of days. I'm looking at Hart cables at the moment as a potential consideration should I decide to keep this headphone. Would you happen to know off hand, or would you be able to identify on Hart Cables website, which Hart cables you are you using?

Any help would be appreciated! :smile_phones:
They just have regular 3.5mm inputs. I use Hart modular cables. And my 3.5mm cable gets a ton of work with these and my Focal headphones and my HiFiman headphones.
May 29, 2024 at 4:41 PM Post #377 of 382
I am curious about this. One of the reasons I bought these headphones was due to the fact they seemed to come with really good wire and connectors. I do know that different wire and amplifiers can sound different due to variations in impedance etc, I looked on the Hart website and could find no information on specs or wire or anything about their technology. So I really wonder why you might be experiencing "better" sound with these wires.

I have owned different headphones but have never really spent time swapping cables. I have tried a bunch of different cable technology with my fairly high-end speaker system and have definitely noticed differences.

So I am wondering if others have tried different cables with the FT5's.
May 29, 2024 at 4:48 PM Post #378 of 382
I am curious about this. One of the reasons I bought these headphones was due to the fact they seemed to come with really good wire and connectors. I do know that different wire and amplifiers can sound different due to variations in impedance etc, I looked on the Hart website and could find no information on specs or wire or anything about their technology. So I really wonder why you might be experiencing "better" sound with these wires.

I have owned different headphones but have never really spent time swapping cables. I have tried a bunch of different cable technology with my fairly high-end speaker system and have definitely noticed differences.

So I am wondering if others have tried different cables with the FT5's.
I don't find the Hart Audio cables better, just more convenient. I leave the connectors plugged in and I can easily jump from amp to amp, balanced or unbalanced.
May 31, 2024 at 5:46 PM Post #380 of 382
I am really enjoying these today. I am using them on a Lehmann Audio Linear amp. Very clean and very neutral. My only amp that is not set up to be a fun amp. Very smooth combo. I will stick with this for a few days. :thumbsup:
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May 31, 2024 at 10:16 PM Post #381 of 382
I received a new Fiio FT5 headphone yesterday and spent about four hours listening to a wide variety of music/genres from my collection. I don't have much in the way of articulated observations or impressions, just my initial thoughts. Here goes...

All of my listening so far has been with the velour earpads. I had found a resource providing PEQ filter settings for a wide selection of headphones (with any factory earpad options provided with the headphone), to be used as a Harman target curve for the given headphone. Knowing that I was going to order this headphone I had set up presets for the FT5 with each earpad set. I did the same for my beyerdynamic DT250 250Ω headphone, which I used as a reference for the Harman target. This is the first time I've had an example of this curve being set for a headphone with which I am intimately familiar (it's been my daily driver at my desktop for at least five years). During my listening last night I occasionally switched to the Harman target preset, then back, to keep a point of reference for the FT5's voicing.

I'm using MathAudio Headphone EQ as a Foobar2000 DSP component. My signal chain for what follows was: Foobar200 / Windows PC --> Schiit Bifrost 2/64 DAC --> Schiit Lokius EQ (bypassed, used only to take advantage of the BF2 XLR outputs) --> Schiit Saga preamp w/ a Sylvania 6SN7GT 'Bad Boy' valve --> Schiit Lyr 3 amp w/ a Philco 7N7 valve.

On the very first song (Ambrosia 'How much I feel') I was immediately drawn in by its warm presentation. This continued throughout the evening. I'd occasionally listened for a minute or two with the Harman curve EQ preset and then bypassed the EQ. In all but a few recordings where the mid bass emphasis was a bit heavy handed, I found that I enjoyed the FT5's voicing with pretty much all genres, with a preference for the Harman curve EQ preset only where the mid bass emphasis caused a specific recording to be perceived as a bit muddy. Even here, most of these recordings sounded appealing just the same. I really like what I'm hearing so far! At no time did I feel that the FT5 was a dark sounding headphone. Warm, yes, but not dark. I found nothing off-putting about its voicing. In fact, it encourages sitting back, closing eyes, and enjoying the music as presented. In this way I'm reminded of the Sennheiser HD650, a very good thing IMO!

The Harman curve EQ preset doesn't transform the FT5 into something it's not. It does make for a slightly more energetic presentation, but it still sounds like a Fiio FT5, also a very good thing IMO. :smile_phones:

I took a few minutes to listen to the iBasso SR2 on the last few tracks I played while wearing the FT5. I can see where these two may be perceived as similar but on first comparison, I find them more different than similar. I can't say in what way, but it seemed clear that the the two aren't similar enough to pick just one and sell the other. My gut tells me that I'd regret such a decision. Perhaps this perception will change, but right now I can't see how. Time will tell. For the moment, though, I don't want to take the FT5 off of my ears. On that note my last thought is that after four hours they were no less comfortable than when I first put them on.

I'll get around to listening with the pleather pads, once I've become more familiar with how they sound with the velour pads.

I hope the above reads less scattered than it seemed when writing. That's it for now. I'm going to go listen to more music. :)
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Jun 1, 2024 at 5:58 AM Post #382 of 382
i am kinda looking for a new planer as a sidegrade or even an upgrade to my beloved 109 pro
would the ft5 be good for that?

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