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  1. Vamp898

    SONY NW-ZX700

    I would highly recommend isolating In-Ear (they are basically earplugs that play music) but if you want Over Ear The MDR-1AM2 is a steal
  2. Vamp898

    SONY NW-ZX700

    Neither of them offer an balanced connection
  3. Vamp898

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    You sir need a better belt.
  4. Vamp898

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    On they cost 250€. Add another 30-50€ for shipping (incl tax) and you're done. They are available in two versions there. Normal and Cowboy Bebop (cost the same)...
  5. Vamp898

    SONY NW-ZX700

    I am downloading the music directly in the player *hail android*
  6. Vamp898

    Sony Z1R....listening impressions only

    Sony does not repair In-Ear (I think no company does). They will offer you a new pair for a discount price
  7. Vamp898

    Look! MOONDROP's First HiFi Smartphone, MIAD01

    It's better than the LG V60 but worse then the KA17
  8. Vamp898

    Look! MOONDROP's First HiFi Smartphone, MIAD01

    After another day using the Moondrop MIAD01 as a daily driver, a few new insights. The image Quality is okayish. It is not good, but it gets the job done. Here are some sample shots i took today. It is...
  9. Vamp898

    Sony IER-M9 impressions thread

    Those are all silicon. So the ones the developers did not use and the ones where Audio64 says, do not use them, they can damage your hearing. I am pretty sure that almost everyone in this thread will highly recommend to you to try them at least once with a good pair of foam. The current...
  10. Vamp898

    Sony IER-M9 impressions thread

    What foam are these on the IER-M9 in the photo?
  11. Vamp898

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    It seems to support LDAC or LHDC. Thats a good start
  12. Vamp898

    Reply to review by 'Vamp898' on item 'Moondrop Dawn Pro'

    You can change the gain using the Moondrop Link App
  13. Vamp898

    Going fully Wireless IEMs. Too soon? Or are we there yet?

    I think this is a bit outdated. It is not wrong, but this geo-tuning basically only exists in China these days. And it is even getting less there too. Non of the Sony IEM have typical Japanese tuning, the Final ones neither, nor Audio Technica or Yamaha. Canal Works was mentioned in the...
  14. Vamp898

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    Except that artists don't get paid. You have to listen to one album, the whole album, from start to finish, 5000x for the artist to get the same amount of money he would have gotten for buying the album once. That is an disadvantage because it means only mainstream music will be relevant on...
  15. Vamp898

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    You have to charge the battery twice as often when streaming. So the battery will drain faster.
  16. Vamp898

    Sony IER-M9 impressions thread

    Because i owned both WM1A and WM1Z, i tested if it is possible to make the WM1A to sound like the WM1Z with the Mr. Walkman Firmware. I installed the Firmware and tested almost all the settings and measured the before/after. I discovered two types of changes the Mr. Walkman Firmware do Nothing...
  17. Vamp898

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    The WM1 M2 Series has 40 hours with local files^^ and i think the 25h for the ZX707, given its price and the whole packages, very very good. Yeah... streaming... thats the issue^^ Streaming don't just kills music, it also kills the batteries of the devices playing it.
  18. Vamp898

    Sony IER-M9 impressions thread

    I am normally very cautious with such statements because... it is an insanely expensive device. My absolute honest opinion, WM1AM2 is already a big upgrade to the WM1Z. Its an unpopular opinion, but after testing them what feels like 20 times and owning all newer Sony DAPs (WM1A, WM1Z, WM1AM2...
  19. Vamp898

    Reply to review by 'Vamp898' on item 'FiiO M23'

    @seanwee As an musician, i prefer dead neutral/flat. Not audiophile flat (recessed bass, pushed upper mids), real flat.
  20. Vamp898

    Reply to review by 'Vamp898' on item 'FiiO M23'

    @WianFiiO You are absolutely right. That was my mistake. I even wrote it down correctly in my notes but then put it in the wrong order in the review. I don't know how that happened, but i will correct that and, of course, adjust the rating. I am sorry for this mistake. //EDIT: I adjusted the...
  21. Vamp898

    Sony IER-M9 impressions thread

    I am relieved. I enjoy my IER-M9 with my WM1ZM2 every day. I recently got the Moondrop MIAD01 for better on-the-go Audio Listening experience, but it just made me appreciate my Walkman more.
  22. Vamp898

    Sony IER-M9 impressions thread

    I hope this review will not be influenced by air pressure issues (looking at those silicone tips on closed IER-M9). In the developer Interviews, the people who made the IER-M9 admitted that even they didn't use the silicone tips.
  23. Vamp898

    Look! MOONDROP's First HiFi Smartphone, MIAD01

    But Phonography Plus is OpenSource and so available in F-Droid. Its a no-nonsense Music Player that just works.
  24. Vamp898

    Look! MOONDROP's First HiFi Smartphone, MIAD01

    I do not own that app and i am not planning to buy it