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    RAAL 1995 Immanis


    Holo Audio Cyan 2 DAC

    Hilo. Please share assessments with and without audio rock.

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    Hallo. Congrats. Also, select 48x1024 as limit instead of 44.1 if selecting adaptive so 48k files play within family if you wish.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    The A26 is not capable of higher than 512. This is why the display shows 24.5M with 48k rate x 512 and if playing 44.1x512 would show 22.5M. 44.1x1024 = 45.1584M and a 48x1024 would show 49.152M. The most the A26 can render are 512 rates.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    If you see 24.5, this is 512, the A26 max. You may make setting 1024 even upto 2048 in HQP settings but will always be limited by other factors. If you use Roon, another way to check is the Signal Path button to the left of previous track button.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    That could be the case with A26, but not sure if same with R26. R26 I found the U18 which worked well with X26 to sound thin with the same i2s in comparison to standalone USB or Lan. The U18 being not very good as discovered and sought to eliminate the extra box and gain galvanic isolation with...

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Hyalo. Good assessment and discovering what works on your gear. I found similar differences in LAN vs USB with U18 when I had the R26. An area of note if you have not explored, look into an Intona or similar to eliminate possibility of and reduce noise and jitter in USB. And, keep from letting...

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    This is trial and error and up to your setup and transducer characteristics. See if any non sinc filters are close and compare with sinc ones if you have to lower rate to tailor the sound. I found the sinc and heavier or long filters to add richness by dropping rate. Switch Dither in PCM to see...

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    In PCM try to see if non sinc filters play at 1.4 or 1.5 rates. With DSD begin with non ec modulators such as poly sinc ones like ext, ext2, xtr short, gauss short, gauss long, etc.

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Do you have 1.5 selected in PCM tab? Do you have 48k and Adaptive checked or grayed in Output tab? Do you have Multicore checked in Advanced tab? Do you have in Roon settings all Audio device disabled except HQP? If these conditions are met and stutters still happen at higher rate but play...

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Hiylo. I have not experienced these stutters in either mode with PLL on and upsampling. Maybe try PLL on before hassling with outdated versions. Earlier versions have been posted previously in this thread. 12.10.22 4.15.23

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Hollo. I have had set to 8 during test along with all trials with Default, Filter, Pool and every block amount combination each.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Hallo. I report. After testing with Dac Correction now correctly applied, as of the current 5.7.0 version, my current pc hardware is incapable of rendering stutter free playback with DC at 1024 rates. Necessitating audition with DC at 512 rates instead for trial. Upon further review, I was...

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Hilou. That is absurd. Even at the introductory price it is nice, but in totality does not warrant price increase in comparison to other possibilities. Package size is an achievement similar to portables, however limited by DAC is invariably wack.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Congrats. Now do it again with the rest of the dithers and modulators. Then repeat with each and every filter. Then report.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Good theories. It was a one off correlation so perhaps another trial should be in order to further eliminate variables. Although, I do suspect ultrasonics are in play with our auditory senses beyond what we know.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Heylo. I used 20k filter once and had a bad case of tinnitus for days. I found that this happens because our ears are trying to compensate for the range that was missing during the bout of what happened, like the listening session, by boosting those frequencies missing. Eventually there is...

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    Hailo. I love the stripped back synth buildup of the Von Dutch remix by Skream and Benga.

    Audeze LCD-5 Review, Measurements, Interview

    Hylo. I recall. I have report in Expanse thread and here previously. Great stock tone and not as mid forward as LCD5. Splashy treble feeling. Wonky stage presentation with sense of distance from imaginary stage but still flat and direct in side to side panning at same time. Improved with then...

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Helo. Please. Let us not get sidetracked with deviations out of topic. Or even PCM vs DSD which are merely tools towards end product. Of which those that may impede the progression of HQP. There are better areas of focus and more pressing matters. Such as: DSD 2048 when?

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Helo. You may. Tidal works as a service in Roon settings. Go there and sign in your account. Files play just as local if HQP is configured in Roon.

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Haulo. I remark. I am envious of Cyan 2 users with access to such an affordable price and capabilities. It is up to the individual how far they wish to take it. But, if you have the capability at hand, you owe it to yourself to hear for yourself what you wish. Like enjoying your steak fried...

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Hahloe How are your boxes connected?