  1. codythelucario

    Does anyone EQ the sub-bass of the HD600?

    In the past I didn't know what sub-bass even was so I assumed my HD600s were super dull. Now that I know what it is it still has that problem, but I just EQ'd the sub-bass and now I get more life out of them. The mid and high's, lush and smooth, with the intimate vocals. Now with sub-bass...
  2. codythelucario

    Is sub-bass a must in modern pop ahd hip hop tracks (with EDM elements)?

    I'm looking at acquiring a dt990 pro as a sidegrsfe to my hd600. I'm kinda strapped for cash but I can make do with a dt990 EQ'd for the tracks I listened to. But for hip hop and pop is sub-bass crucial? Also does anyone use the hd600 for these tracks? I feel like the hd600s are satisfactory...
  3. codythelucario

    Headphone recommendations under $300, preferably planar magnetics. Or if possible, ways to give an oomph to my HD600 sub-bass!

    Hi! I resorted to asking on this site as my reddit account was unable to post in r/HeadphoneAdvice, which I believe I was rate limited for some reason. I have contacted the mods on that subreddit but haven't heard back, so I will ask here as this site is more specialized in audio than anywhere...
  4. codythelucario

    Peace APO adjustment for HD600 sub-bass rolloff... is this sufficient?

    So basically I adjusted the settings according to what I have in the second picture, and I based off my first adjustments based on the difference between the output of the hd600 before eq and the Harman target. After adjusting I seem to be getting more bass which is good, but would this be a bad...
  5. codythelucario

    Wondering whether I bought the wrong pair of headphones the wrong time - HD600 and sub-bass

    Lately, I found that the sub bass has been lacking. I relatively enjoy the low end on these cans, but lately I can't help but notice how bass is lacking compared to even my Momentum 4 wireless headphones. It makes modern trap/rap tracks from Future sound a bit flat. I hope I can solve this...
  6. minusorange

    Best sub-bass $400 or less

    Hi Folks, I'm looking for a versatile headphone of decent quality coming in at $400 or less. I'd prefer good sound all around, but the biggest focus is on getting as good as possible sub-bass representation from around 28-80hz. I prefer closed back so that I can use them on the go if possible...
  7. AüR Audio Aure

    AüR Audio Aure

    The Aür Audio Aure are a set of IEMs made in Singapore by (obviously) Aür Audio. They are a highly resolving set of IEMs. Read the reviews of those who have heard them.


    The HD 400S features a one-button smart remote conveniently located on the cable, which allows you to control music and take calls with ease, and the sturdy folding design makes these headphones durable and compact enough to be taken anywhere. Sennheiser dynamic drivers deliver a well-extended...
  9. squadgazzz

    Sub-bass with scene suggestions

    Hey everyone! I need any suggestions for future buying. I have BGVP DMS + ibasso dc02 + macbook pro. I like the overall quality, but I need more sub-bass and scene. Also, I hear some noise from MacBook via ibasso because my IEM are sensitive. Any suggestions for the full-size or IEMs with...
  10. A

    Need recommendations for bassy (but not basshead) IEMs under/around 70

    My current earphones are the Sony MDR-XB50APs, and I'm almost perfectly satisfied with the sound signature except for the fact that the treble/high mids are a little too muddy. I'm only thinking of investing in a new pair because these are not as sleek-looking as I'd like, and they don't really...
  11. Kisame

    Want to upgrade my HD800 (making music/mixing)

    I've been using HD800 + JDS o2 amp for creating music and mixing, and compared to monitor speakers (don't have treated room, so I don't want to use speakers if I can help it) the HD800 seems to have something wrong with its mids, like its mids is missing something. I also do not like the treble...
  12. MuppetFace

    Massdrop PLUS Universal IEM New Massdrop IEMs from.... Massdrop? Yup. Massdrop introduces their first audiophile product under their own brand name: the PLUS universal in-ear monitors. Since everyone is off at RMAF, I figured I’d go ahead and start a thread on...