Sennheiser IE 900 left channel cutting out (not the cable)
Mar 29, 2023 at 11:23 PM Post #16 of 25
Oh boy… It took Sennheiser almost a week to simply confirm that the package has arrived. And if I have any questions, I'm supposed to contact the person in charge. Who is indicated as “Arvato-User“. Whereby Arvato is the name of the company providing the repair service for Sennheiser.
Make sure your Sennheiser reps are aware of these posts and this thread and that their progress and aptitude is being monitored by a major headphone-forums community. Their jobs are hanging on the line!
Mar 30, 2023 at 3:15 AM Post #18 of 25
I don't think selling the company has much to with these issues. Most companies now have horrible customer service. See my Linsoul post from today.
Senn has always had problems, esp with with connectors -- much more so in the past. I've been dealing with them since the mid 1980s. And, honestly, their reliability as far as connectors go has improved considerable. What happened to my 900 seems to have been some sort of internal solder connection.
I would not purch an ie600 or 900 in 2023 simply because the Chinese IEMs give you as much for much less $$.
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Mar 30, 2023 at 8:18 AM Post #19 of 25
Well, I‘ve amassed quite a collection from them over the years and never had any issues. And their outlet prices can be really good.

But… surprise, surprise – a day after their email confirming the reception I today received this:


In German, there is a very appropriate saying: Aller guten Dinge sind drei/All good things come in threes. So now let's hope for the best since this is the third specimen they‘ve sent me.
Mar 31, 2023 at 8:07 PM Post #20 of 25
I've now had my IE600s replaced twice and my IE900s replaced once. I just sent in my IE600 for the second replacement. Each time one of the earphones would stop working. I think I'm pretty much done with this Sennheiser design. They're the most comfortable IEMs I own, but I can't keep sending them in.
Aug 12, 2023 at 6:35 AM Post #23 of 25
May 16, 2024 at 5:23 PM Post #25 of 25
My IE-900 -- replaced about a year ago -- is still okay.
But the $20 eBay cable (which I replaced the stock OEM Senn cable with; the stock de-laminated after only a year), went bad at the 3.5mm connector. I had the new/never-used OEM Senn cable, still in the box, so I went for that ... and after a few hours, the left ch. began cutting out. VERY hard to pinpoint as i suspected it might be my amp cable or DAP cable. It drove me nuts pinpointing the exact source because the issue occurred so randomly.
Anyway, I gently removed the connector and applied a tiny amt of Deoxit. (as i did when I orig. installed it a few hours earlier). And the issue went away for day, and then came back full force.
Very weird that my aftermarket cable went kaput, and now the brand new OEM cable. Maybe it wasn't the new OEM cable? It's brand new, after all and Senn's own, factory new.

PHOTO: Senn on left; aftermarket on right. Notice washer on Senn.

One thing I have noted is that the aftermarket cable -- even for a cheap $20 Chinese ebay unit --seems to insert a bit deeper with more tightness and confidence. None of the two OEM Senn cables I have used feel confident, and they allow the chassis to rotate way too freely.
Anyway, a Google search points to a possible answer/and diy solution. It's in the Reddit post by another IE-600 owner. Same cutout issue.
I have not done the OEM washer mod (Reddit) nor have I replaced / repaired the aftermarket. I assume the washer -- not sure it was ever used in my orig 2021 Senn OEM cable -- is the cause of cutouts. Last time I reinserted, I use a little more gentle force to compress it. Seem to be ok. Stay tuned. But - after last year -- I will never trust Sennheiser. Never purchased another Senn product since 2021. And regret the uber $ ie-900 purchase more than ever. So many other IEMs now, way cheaper and more reliable. And with superior 2-pin connectors to boot.

Pathetic that Sennheiser still has connector issues. Since the 1970s ... and well into the HD-600 age. And now with IE - x00.
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