Recent content by abhishekSPS
  1. abhishekSPS

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Don't mean to derail this thread but If these cables sound so good  then shouldn't they rip the plain wire inside the earcups too that are connecting to the driver and replace that wire with some of these cable? It wouldn't work right if they didn't! And what about all the wire inside of their...
  2. abhishekSPS

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    here is what Roger Russell from McIntosh says about cables:   "We have been told by advertising that the exotic speaker wires offer fabulous advantages over ordinary lamp cord. It would seem reasonable that using this same wire for lamps would also enhance their performance. In the same vein...
  3. abhishekSPS

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    very very best of luck for your interview and position upgrade. :)
  4. abhishekSPS

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    i see that you have C-2 amp. were you running your T1.2 and HD800 off C-2 ? i am planning on getting Master 11 for HD800(/'S) or T1.2 (or HD650.... you see i am not really sure at this point and i have no way of auditioning them here in Inda) few people on master 11 thread have reported very...
  5. abhishekSPS

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    please post brief impressions of your new hd800 and t1(or is it t1 v2?) when you feel you have played enough with them.   i would like to hear about these brighter cans from someone who appreciates hd650's sound signature.   meanwhile happy waiting... ;)
  6. abhishekSPS

    Eddie Current Zana Deux owners

    I would really appreciate if you could elaborate a bit the differences between the amp section of Master 11 and ZDS for HD800 especially.
  7. abhishekSPS

    looking for a speaker setup

    Are they good with classical music...? Have you auditioned the Adam F5 as well...? I am given to understand that HE500 have ever so slightly laid back sound signature and LSR305 tend to be on brighter side...would like to know your opinion on this...
  8. abhishekSPS

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    sure and my apologies
  9. abhishekSPS

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    What amp do u use for your T90? Also could you please compare HE500 and T90
  10. abhishekSPS

    HiFiman HE-500 (HE as in High End) Proving to be an enjoyable experience in listening.

    Is there any comparison between NFB-28/29 and Gustard stack or is there any prevailing consensus of which one is better match for HE-500s?
  11. abhishekSPS

    HiFiman HE-500 (HE as in High End) Proving to be an enjoyable experience in listening.

    Other than the Gustard stack what are the proven great options for HE-500 * I don't want schiit. * i don't want to go nuts after tube rolling. * I really like audio-gd products but not dead-set on them * i would not like to cross the $1000 mark
  12. abhishekSPS

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Yes I too have heard Eddie Current Zana Duex is almost end game for both HD650s and HD800s. any other amp that you would consider almost achieves Zana Duex's teir of performance if not similar signature for less than $2000.     Have any one here tried/auditioned ICON AUDIO amps with...
  13. abhishekSPS

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    could you name few of those amps...? i promise i won't click "ADD TO CART"
  14. abhishekSPS

    :sunrise: Official 2015 SF Head-Fi Meet Impressions Thread

    i haven't heard either of them but just the cost comparison of the two(liquid carbon + descent DAC + interconnects + balanced cable which may be not all that important but why suppress the urge) shows that if someone like me if starting from scratch will be better off with wa8. only one thing...