Recent content by beyerlad
  1. beyerlad

    Claim Warranty For Faulty Cable Or Replace Faulty Cable With Aftermarket Cable With (Supposedly) Better Sound Quality

    The right headphones exhibit a slightly lower sound volume than the left one. Sometimes the volume is erratic as it goes from soft to loud. I can claim for warranty but instead of paying for shipping, I can also consider upgrading the stock(faulty) cable to an aftermarket cable. Has anyone...
  2. beyerlad

    Comfortable Headphones For Smartphones Around $200 +/-

    Quote: Thanks for the information. Much appreciated. I will look at the AKG Q701 after this. Cheers.
  3. beyerlad

    Comfortable Headphones For Smartphones Around $200 +/-

    Any suggestions for some comfortable headphones with low clamping force? The headphones will be used with a smartphone. Supra-aural or circum-aural designs are not the priority. Comfort and low clamping force is top priority. Sound quality is secondary.   I have used the DT880 for some...