Recent content by Galveston
  1. Galveston

    Need cans for portable MD listening...

    Quote: What I'd like to know is this, what would accompany a Total Airhead the best for MD listening? K401s, K501s, HD580s, etc.? (They would also be used along with my SB Audigy and who knows what else.) While all of those are good headphones, I think that some of them might be a bit...
  2. Galveston

    the theory of headphone relativity

    mbriant: Quote: How big is the MAOS? I hope it's too big to fit in a vehicle. I don't know the exact dimensions, and I never saw it for myself (only pictures). However, in those pictures, it was pretty huge -- it was attached to a 18 Wheeler, with the speaker replacing the...
  3. Galveston

    What is the "weirdest" album you own and why?

    Captain Beefheart is a weird guy. The only thing I own with him on it is the soundtrack to The Big Lebowski. His song on it isn't nearly as strange as, say, Ice Cream for Crow, which is virtually unlistenable it's so crazy. The weirdest album I own is Colors by Ken Nordine. Word jazz is kinda...
  4. Galveston

    Traditional Brazilian artists -- any recommendations?

    You might try some of the Brazil Compilations on the Lukka Bop label. I don't know much about Brazilian music, but I hear that they are really good (and very popular in Brazil, too).
  5. Galveston

    the theory of headphone relativity

    Quote: According to one of my college physics professors, an orchestra playing full-blast only puts out about 100W of power. Pretty impressive that there's that much sound from that little power, huh? 100 W of acoustic power is a huge amount. This is because modern methods of...
  6. Galveston

    Altoids Headphone Amplifier

    Out of curiosity, JMT, do you take orders for headphone amps from Head-Fi'ers, and if so, how much do you charge? That is a truly cool amp. I would be interested in making my own, but I'm not sure I have the time and/or equipment, and I'm sure it wouldn't look nearly as nice.
  7. Galveston

    can anybody help me pleaaase?

    If you don't care for much bass, then get the 60's. If you want bass then get the 80's. If you can find a local store that carries Grados then I am sure that they will have both for you to listen to (assuming one isn't sold out). That's the best way to decide which one you want. Just don't...
  8. Galveston

    total airhead is reviewed in Stereo Times

    Quote: LOL, even the average DumBass knows that 128k is not even close to Cd quality. ANY detail in the orignal recording is replaced by tons of artifacts and flanging. Actually, bit rate isn't the only factor that determines sound quality of the mp3. The encoder you use is also very...
  9. Galveston

    How much difference is there in the sound of the Grado lineup?

    Quote: SR-225 Warm, darkly-coloured tonally and ultimately lacking in clarity, but true to the spirit of the music. This is completely wrong (I realize it is an opinion, but it is wrong nonetheless). They sound a lot like your 125's, just a bit more refined (some have suggested that...
  10. Galveston

    SACD vs regular CDP for CDs

    Everything I've heard about the 333 indicates that it's a steal at the prices listed here, but I can't seem to find it listed for anything less than $699 (at Crutchfield). Is there an online retailer that sell it for less than $600?
  11. Galveston

    Beyer DH-250 velour pads

    They're pretty easy to swap out. The only trick is that the Beyer pads don't have the solft velvet in the middle, so you will have to gently tear it off the V6 pads. You can then just position it on the Beyer pads without gluing it before you put them on, and it will remain in place fairly well...
  12. Galveston

    Grado SR80 versus Sony V6 (Sony 7506?)

    Just to reinforce a previous suggestion, the Beyer DT-250 velour pads make a huge difference in the comfort level of the V6's. With the stock pads, the Grados are more comfortable (for me). With the velour pads, the V6's win by a mile. A point that seems to have been left out is that the V6's...
  13. Galveston

    Amp for the 225s: RA-1, or OBH?

    While the RA-1 could very well reveal all sorts of nasty, subtle details of what's going on in his computer, he could always upgrade shortly after. If it sounded too horrible to wait, then he could get a good portable cd player with a line out to hold him over (for under $100) until he could get...
  14. Galveston

    I need a high-end portable system around $ 1.500.--, please give me suggestions...

    The Etymotics definitely have the best isolation (so I've heard) and sound great, but you should be aware that they are designed to fit inside your ear, and it's quite possible that this might be very uncomfortable for you. Therefore, you should order from a place like Headroom where you can try...
  15. Galveston

    Grado SR80 or Sony V6

    Quote: Originally posted by Chu If gaming is your priority, get the v6. If audio is, get the SR-80's. I second this recommendation. I own a pair of V6's and a pair of Grado SR-225's, and at first I thought the Grados would be better for gaming since I liked them for music more...