Recent content by German Expat in Vietnam
  1. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    @ Cerbatillo wrote this: And about the comparison with m6u... I think this one is better in every aspect Personally, I have never heard of the M6U. I had the M8. He's also very warmly tuned. And I can say the M5U is not quite as warmly tuned and also crisper. Based purely on the sound, I...
  2. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    OTA update is easy to do . I had not one problem
  3. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    Even with IEMs that only have 9 ohms it seems to work very well. ToneDeafMonk uses the Elysian Pilgrim and he says it's a good combination. I'm in Malaysia the month after next and will buy the Pilger Noir, let's see how it works with the M5U
  4. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    I had the DX 300 and 320 too. And I would definitely go for the M5U. To my ears it sounds better. And if you compare the prices it's amazing what a great sound the M5U has.
  5. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    Not only could it be the best purchase for the price. It is the best buy.Better then all Sony Players if you don't want to buy the ZM 2. You definitely won't regret the purchase.
  6. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    I've been listening for several hours now even though I actually wanted to go to sleep early. But it doesn't work. This player is so captivatingly incredible for what little money it costs. I just listened to a complete Patricia Barber album called Cafe Blue. And yes, I agree with @ToneDeafMonk...
  7. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    The N3U does not have the typical full, warm tube sound that you would imagine. The M5U sounds warmer. The software is better too. I also wanted to buy the N3U because of the full, warm tube sound. I then decided on the M5U.
  8. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    My coming also without the leather case. My dealer nt had it then i found it at Ali
  9. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    Maybe the N3U you will send back if you want a warm rich full body sound signature and a god operating system without errors. :thinking: :thinking: :beerchug:
  10. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    Wow, that was so long ago. But overall I don't really like the iBasso sound. I soon liked the sound of the DX300 better than the highly praised DX 320. With the 1 software I liked the sound. But fast charging didn't work. Then the second update came and the sound was unbearable for me. Totally...
  11. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    If no model is released at the absolute flagship level, I will send my M5U to Steve (NP Audio) in England. I think the tickling still gets a lot out of it. If there were to be an absolute flagship model, a copper casing would definitely be an advantage. That doesn't exist at Shanling yet. The...
  12. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    You speak to me from the soul. Another model in the series that is built with absolutely no compromise on sound. You think the Silmic II capacitors are so good. But it can be even better, I know from experience. At that time I had the Amp 12 from iBasso with DX 300 and 320. I had first made the...
  13. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    And that's just the first impression. Wait until you reach over 200 hours of burn-in time. You will notice that the M5U is getting better and better every day
  14. G

    Shanling M5 Ultra - High-End MTouch Portable Player - Releasing in April 2024

    I wasn't entirely wrong with my description of the sound of Sharp Roll-off and Short Delay Sharp Roll-off. Yay my old ears still work :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sunglasses: