Recent content by JeffKiel
  1. JeffKiel

    How do the Sennheiser 575 rate compared to the 570/580s?

    I had a pair of 575s and they were at best fair in comparison to the 580/600s. These were my first set of cans and while they were as comfortable as their bigger siblings, the sound was colored and missing a lot of mid highs to highs. Also, there wasn't much detail (probably the rolled off...
  2. JeffKiel

    Shure E3c Info On Website

    I have a set of the new sleeves (thanks to TTVJ) and they are amazing. I don't like the clear ones that come with the E5c's, but the foamies are pretty nice. With these soft grey ones, it is so easy to just place it in my ear and get a great seal.
  3. JeffKiel

    Shure E3C

    I must agree with Todd on the new tips, they are AWESOME! Work very well with my E5c's.
  4. JeffKiel

    Xp7 !!!!!!!!

    You of all people should know the damage I have done lately How will this go with my HD600/E5c combo? I currently have an ASL MGHead OTL.
  5. JeffKiel

    Xp7 !!!!!!!!

    What are the dimensions of the Xp7? (Must resist...must resist...)
  6. JeffKiel

    Yet another Shure E5c vs Etymotic ER-4P/S

    We are probably just looking at different aspects of the sound I like the detail of the Grados, hence the comparison with the Etys...where as the Senns have a more polished, rounded sound (like the Shures to my ears). I do want to clarify that I believe the Etys are a great set of cans. I...
  7. JeffKiel

    Yet another Shure E5c vs Etymotic ER-4P/S

    I know there have been a number of reviews posted here comparing these canal phones...and there is a part of me that asks what could I possibly add to the fray? After considering it, I thought about how much I like getting multiple points of view when considering a high dollar purchase like...
  8. JeffKiel

    Bad hum with META42

    Thanks for replying, JMT. I purchased it from utdeep, and I don't think it had the problem when I bought it. It is DC only, as far as I can tell. Again, I don't think it is a workmanship issue, probably just "one of those things". Can you PM me your info and I will gladly pay you to make a...
  9. JeffKiel

    Bad hum with META42

    My JMT built (but don't blame him) META42 amp has a pretty bad hum in it, even when I don't have a source plugged in (although it seems to intensify when I plug in my iPod source). When I reorient the amp (read: move it around in my hands), it can some times diminish. I tried changing the...
  10. JeffKiel

    Ety 4P and new iPod

    I have experienced the same thing. I haven't tried it with my amp, but the same setup (ipod + etys) result in some bottoming out when I have the bass boost on. It could be a portable question, but it just might be an issue with the cans as well
  11. JeffKiel

    Ety - silicone or foam? Super deep or just snug?

    You know, someone advised the reversed silicon approach and I was like, yeah right! Well, I just tried it and it does help them to fit better. I think one reason is that you have the underside sticking straight out, which probably allow for better locality.
  12. JeffKiel

    Just received Ety ER-4S with 4P adapter

    Todd that Vinyl Junkie (as always) is great to work with, and ships quickly (ordered Friday afternoon, arrived Monday morning). I REALLY like the sound so far, and I know it can only get better. I was unable to get any seal with the white tips (I think I have small ear canals), but the...
  13. JeffKiel

    Cans for electronic drum kit

    I have used the Sony MDR 7506s for about 4 years with my VPros and I have been very pleased. Best part is that they are cheap online!
  14. JeffKiel

    MG Head OTL Tube Rolling experience

    Oh, yes, I would
  15. JeffKiel

    MG Head OTL Tube Rolling experience

    I don't know if it is appropriate to start a new thread, but the other is a bit ungainly, so I decided to make a command decision. The pack is on it's way to NY, NY. Observations from the Dangerous Tube Roller Pack Setup: Denon DCM-370 Straightwire Interconnects MG Head OTL (OTL...