Recent content by omni94
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    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    I'm not so sure on this. I have the same problem, when I game on my PC I can instantly hear my GPU ramping up. I tried solving this by buying a new DAC with isolated Galvanic inputs / outputs (Audio-GD R1), yeh it was an excuse for a new DAC ^.^, the issue is still present though. I'm...
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Reference received! You keep one upping yourself sir, these are gorgeous. I'll also have to take my last statement back, I think I love the colours of these more than the 'Solar', but they'll go great next to each other.
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    You sir, are dedicated! I actually had the same idea when I initially saw that set and scoured all the retailers, but stopped at their website. I'm glad its not 'lost' in the world and someone from here has it.
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    Schiit Audio Bifrost 2

    This is on par with the differences I hear between a similar R2R DAC and a Topping one. I decided to keep the R2R DAC since after listening to it for a few songs and then switching to the Topping, my ears immediately felt fatigued. This feeling subsided really quickly, but my logic was, if my...
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Ahhhhh good to know that you're the one that owns Timbre's brother. Thought Zach said it was heading out to one of their distributors. I think these are my two favs from your growing collection, appropriate naming too! This is the way!
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    The ZMF Limited Release Picture Repository

    Got my camera out, but can't seem to do it justice. Hands too damn shaky :smile:, need to find where I've placed the tripod. Very pleased with the Buckeye wood, it has hints of pinkish burls in it, which I love. Type: Atrium Closed Released: November 2023 Name: Timbre Owner: Myself :) Here's...
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    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    How did I manage to wait? while not being able to wait for anything.. Upgrading the rest of the chain helped until the headphones arrived haha.
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Got my Timbre today in Europe. Here's some quick shots, will get some proper pics this weekend. Time to listen now!
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Got my Fedex tracking number yesterday. :relieved:
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    ZMF Verite Closed vs Auteur Classic

    Can't really comment much on the Verite comparison with the Classics, but I can on the comfort. I'm very sensitive to anything touching my ears + I also wear glasses, Can confirm that the Classics are super comfortable, especially with the suede pads. I don't feel I'm loosing anything with a...
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    We'll be getting more beautiful shots then! Need to get the camera out of storage to join the club :beerchug:
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    This coming week is our week, I can feel it :pray:
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Is this just for the Bokeh or even stabilized ? Since I haven't gotten any updates whatsoever for my AC's ;(
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Do share if they do :D I want it badly for my AC's, but yeah...abit too much for a cable , at least for me. I might be going for the Forza instead.. was quoted around 338 Euro for one, still abit expensive, but at least it isn't 800/900 :sweat_smile:
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    ZMF November // 2023 // MEGATHREAD!

    Check the Viking Weaves 'Fehu' :D