pgravili's latest activity
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    I recently purchased the Google Pixel 8 Pro and I don't detect any problem in Ldac at maximum Bitrate, even in WiFi with Spotify.
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    If you want the Sony ep-ex11 LL I will only charge you the shipping costs. I bought them on eBay from Japan and they don't work for me...
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    I've never tried the ones you mention. However, I have tried many others that did not deform but never passed the test. Who cares if...
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    With Azla Xelastec you solve every problem 😉
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    With the right tips for me they are definitely the best earphones I've ever had. I also got the setup right using Wavelet as the...
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    I bought them on eBay having them shipped from Japan. I didn't get along well with them. They never passed the test even though they...
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    pgravili reacted to burninglove's post in the thread Sony WF-1000XM5 with Like Like.
    They have been awesome. They are quite sticky, though, also they collect dust and debris. However, just a little water and rubbing the...
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    For me with the original eartips they are Earbuds costing 20 euros, with the Azla Xelastec they are clearly the best I've ever tried...
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    At the moment they are the best tips among those I have tried, and there are many!
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    pgravili reacted to burninglove's post in the thread Sony WF-1000XM5 with Like Like.
    I just switched from the spinfit cp360 to Azla xelastec tips. The Azla are great. They provide a more secure fit than the Spinfit...
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    I tried those too but they didn't work for me. I also have a larger right ear canal than the left. With all the eartips I tried, the...
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    pgravili replied to the thread Sony WF-1000XM5.
    Forget the toilet paper 😉 I tried them all (spinfit cp100, cp360, Azla sednearfit max, Sony ep-ex11) and there was never the certainty...
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    pgravili reacted to Forsaked's post in the thread Sony WF-1000XM5 with Like Like.
    I bought them here:
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    pgravili reacted to richario's post in the thread Sony WF-1000XM5 with Like Like.
    re eartips: I have never liked foams, this hasn't changed with the new tips, this was also the case for me with XM3 ,& XM4 tips. I...