Recent content by rayguy
  1. rayguy

    General Feedback Audio GD NFB 2 DAC with Heed Canamp and AKG 702?

    Trying to do one stop shop since my listening requirements have changed.  Several years ago purchased the iBasso D10 and AKG K271 closed cans.  Didn't listen as much as I thought I would.  But times have changed and I can go open.  Any thoughts on a Audio GD NFB-2 DAC and Heed Canamp?  Source...
  2. rayguy

    iBasso d10 and AKG K271 MKII ?

    Eucariote, Thanks for the post. Turns out I just picked up a pair of the AKG K271s and have yet to plug them in. I am on stock opamps in the D10. The D10 didn't do much with basic ATH A700 cans....hoping things will sound better with better cans. I have lossless orchesteral music on a...
  3. rayguy

    iBasso d10 and AKG K271 MKII ?

    I just purchased an iBasso d10 for its portable form and optical input. I am looking for the best closed cans for classical and have almost settled on AKG 271s. Does anyone have experience with the pairing listed above? Will the iBasso bring out the best in the AKG 271s? Source will be...
  4. rayguy

    German Maestro 8.35D vs Shure SRH 840?

    Thanks Acix. I saw your review during my search and appreciated your insight. Just one concluded that the 8.35 would make a fine MONITOR headphone...what about a listening/pleasure can? I am going closed so that I don't disturb family members but the cans will be for...
  5. rayguy

    German Maestro 8.35D vs Shure SRH 840?

    Is anyone willing to share experience comparing the GM 8.35d and the Shure SRH 840? I will be using the cans with a Macbook=>optical=>iBasso D10 stock Source will be lossless orchestral, acoustic guitar/vocals, jazz. I am not a basshead. I do love the rich sound of low ochesteral...
  6. rayguy


    Wrong board
  7. rayguy

    Shure vs. Audio-Technica vs. AKG vs. Sony vs. Sennheiser

    Chunkfnk, I too am new. I do have some experience with the AT A700. I picked them up since they had some good reviews, didn't need an amp and they were closed. They run easily from my iPod Touch 2g and my Macbook 13 inch. I recently added an iBasso D10 amp hoping to get more out of my...
  8. rayguy

    Closed Can suggestion for iBasso D10?

    Thanks bigfatdynamo. Ray
  9. rayguy

    Closed Can suggestion for iBasso D10?

    Sorry for the double post...didn't see the first go through....
  10. rayguy

    Closed Can suggestion for iBasso D10?

    Double post.
  11. rayguy

    Closed Can suggestion for iBasso D10?

    I didn't mean to create such a stir. As always, these boards are a great place to mine nuggets of info and then test them to see what works. It is especially kind that experienced people, (nc8000, HiFlight, qusp) just to name a few, take time to field noob questions from people who begin...
  12. rayguy

    New iBasso D10.....why doesn't it sound better?

    Thanks for all the input. I think that I'll chill with the D10 and the A700s and start thinking about cans which might provide more enjoyment with the D10. Possibilities include: AT ESW9, Ultrasone 780, Shure 840 and GM 8.35. All seem to have different strengths so I'm going to think...
  13. rayguy

    Closed Can suggestion for iBasso D10?

    NC, I have read concerns about the ESW9 cables. I notice that your's are recabled. How/when/why did you choose to recable? Ray
  14. rayguy

    Closed Can suggestion for iBasso D10?

    I started with the A700s because they were closed and had decent reviews and not a large investment. I found that I enjoyed them but would like the music to be more spacious rich and dynamic. I thought that amping them might improve the sound over Macbook headphone out. I am connecting...
  15. rayguy

    Closed Can suggestion for iBasso D10?

    I'm hoping that someone will be able to help. I am a newbie to headphone listening. Most of time I listen at home but need to used closed phones to avoid disturbing family members. Source: Macbook or Airport Express lossless. Music: Classical, Acoustic/Vocal, Rock Enjoy: Vocals...