Recent content by templeboy
  1. templeboy

    Did any one hear this headphone amp?

    D-Linear 8 Your listening impression is appreciated. This thing has many functions that escape an "older timer" like me. Some comments or technie's insight is also sought.
  2. templeboy

    Cyber 20 review and possible deal

    Check this review out: I used to organize a group buy on it directly from the manufacturer before there was an US distributor. There were over 20 people on board at first and when it's time to collect money only one people went through...
  3. templeboy

    Philadelphia Meet: March 13, 2004 It's on!

    I'm out of this forum for a long time. Recently back to headphone listening again. If schedule allows, I will be in with a custom-made 2A3 headphone amp (much better than RKV II I used to have) and a HD600.
  4. templeboy

    Two "new" tube headphone amps

    Although no long into headphone listening, I wandered into these two tube amps: Enjoy!
  5. templeboy

    Which game console do you own/which will you buy?

    I own both Xbox and PS2, a self-explanatory phenomenon demos that both systems have their advantages and disadvantages. I must say the best graph I've even seen (assuming TV is the display) is FFX although gameplay is tedious and almost unplayable w/o game guide helping me to solve those trial...
  6. templeboy

    Another toy - Audio Valve RKV II

    Bearwise, You are lucky as I'm in Philly and Acid is in Chicago, both cities saturated with radio waves. I use to put RKV in a metal tool box (making sure driill some ventilation holes!!) to solve the problem. Acid, as I mentioned in our email exchanges before, I love Grado over Senn in...
  7. templeboy

    Cyber-20 impressions

    jaghouse, From your crave for warm mid-range, look no further than RCA cleartop 12AU7 which is sooooo easy to find. Although it looses grounds to BB in lots of other aspect, warmy (bit fat for my own taste) mid is its strength.
  8. templeboy

    Anyone use FM tuners?

    Yes, I have a MR67. But apparently my profile is very outdated. MR67 maybe in top 5 but can never crack into top 3 best tuners. The nice thing about it is that when most of time FM stations broadcast interesting programs in questionable qualities, the tubed tuner can really "smooth" the signals...
  9. templeboy

    Audiovalve RKV MK III

    There is no manual or whatsoever coming with RKV. Mr. Becker wrote me before that MKII and MKIII were exactly the same save extra muting circuit. The power supply may be bigger but the specification is the same. I used to have pop with now Al's RKV, but after changing the PS caps to...
  10. templeboy

    Anyone use FM tuners?

    Probably best invest in a good antenna like FM-2G first. IMHO, tuners are the best source better than best turntalbes if your station is of high quality and have live broadcast from time to time. Therefore I invested in two best tuners ever produced.
  11. templeboy

    Notice for those interested in Opera head amp and RKV tubes!

    Now Audio Advancements has Opera Cyber20 in stock so I will no longer organize pool. Cyber30 2A3/300B may still be possibility so if you want to buy one cheap, contact me now! However, I don't make any promise whether it will get a go ahead from Opera who strictly enforces dealer boundary. In...
  12. templeboy

    Cyber-20 impressions

    E80CC is not a direct replacement at all so it may or may not work. However, the tube itself is better sounding that 12AU7. I still have a quad of NOS RFT lying around somewhere in my large tube caddy. It's a highly liner and balanced tube but too analytical for my taste. That's why it never...
  13. templeboy

    AH! headphone amplifier?

    They have this amp for a few years. Problem is that they did a poor job to promote it. I sent inquiries a couple of times a year ago and never got reply.
  14. templeboy

    $350 Headphone Amp: Creek or MG Head; or Other?

    Cyber20 delivered at $350. I may organize another pool later after my hands free.
  15. templeboy

    Cyber-20 impressions

    The power supply uses choke regulation. With the chunck of iron in place, no wonder its heavy. I have no idea about EL84 but per 12AU7 the best is Amperex Bugle Boy. Maybe you can try E80CC, if it works, it will be better than any 12AU7 by large margin.