Recent content by thang3291
  1. T


    M9 plays great with every genre, and the bass does sound like DD bass. Admittedly I have never heard "typical" BA bass before so I can't compare, M9 is my only full BA set. Great companion for my Z1R, I can just listen and relax for hours, very smooth and musical.
  2. T


    I haven't had the chance to try many flagship IEMs, but I have tried the Xe6 and personally own the IE900, and the Z1R is still my favorite. People still recommend the Z1R and most big reviewers still put this IEM their top 10, so yeah I'd say it's still very competitive.
  3. T


    I felt the same way at first, when I pulled the trigger on the Z1R, it had already been around for four years. But I'm glad I went for it. The Z1R still holds the crown as my favorite IEM. I don't know when Sony will drop their next big thing, and even if they do, there's no guarantee I'll like...
  4. T


    My Z1R was produced just last year, so I don’t think it’s discontinued.
  5. T

    Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk

    Now that makes sense, the pictures I looked at must've been darker so the colour appeared brown / copper. I actually bought a fake case for my IE200 and it's copper, I always thought it was the original colour.
  6. T

    Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk

    maybe i'm mistaken but i'm sure the original case was brown or copper too, it's strange that the fakes makers haven't updated it
  7. T

    Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk

    I bought mine directly from Sennheiser and these look good to me. But it’s hard to tell these days
  8. T


    I was afraid to remove the foam because it seemed to be glued to something inside when I tried.
  9. T


    1000 pages of discussion for 1 IEM and new owners still keep coming. The Z1R has the best staying power.
  10. T

    Sennheiser IE900 Review, Measurements, & Harman Target Talk

    Same here, I also have both. The IE600 is well rounded and "safer", but it doesn't reach the height of the IE900. However they complement each other very well and it's not redundant to own both in my opinion.
  11. T


    True, i have the IE900 too. Excellent bass, a bit behind Z1R but i can take it outside due to how small and comfortable it is.
  12. T


    I don't know about the MDR-Z1R, been wanting to try, but I used to have the TH900, which is often said to have endgame-level bass for headphones. It's hard to compare because the experiences are different. The TH900 also has excellent depth and texture like the Z1R. The biggest difference for me...
  13. T

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Yeah I didn't expect the Alpha 3 to come close to FF3's bass anyway, was just looking for a neutral and musical pair of earbuds, and the Alpha 3 do just that. It's only been a few days though.
  14. T

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Finally got the Dunu Alpha 3, my second high quality earbuds. My other set is the Fiio FF3 which I’ve had for over a year. Build quality is very good, I think it looks classier than the FF3. Overall sound presentation is more neutral and balanced than the warmer FF3, but it can’t match the FF3’s...
  15. T

    Head-Fi Basshead IEM thread (lists page 1)

    Very nice, wouldn't call them basshead since they don't have a huge amount of bass, but the bass quality is excellent and they slam harder than some basshead IEMs that i've tried.