Recent content by Tuberoller1
  1. Tuberoller1

    Amp recommendations for Fostex TH900?

    I currently have a Schiit Lyr 2 as well as the headphone amp in my Modwright LS-100 Preamp.  I'm thinking of trying a pair of TH900s, has anyone ever tried them with either of these amps?
  2. Tuberoller1

    Amp recommendations for Fostex TH900?

    I see that you had both a TH-900 and Lyr 2 at some point, have you ever tried that pair?  I suspect it would be dangerously powerful for the TH-900
  3. Tuberoller1

    Metrum Hex Vs. Metrum Octave

    I currently have a metrum octave (the original 2 box version, being driven by an audiophilleo-2 from USB).  I absolutely love the DAC, but I'm getting the upgrade bug and I believe its the weakest link in my system.  I do love the metrum NOS sound, so the Hex makes a logical choice for me.  Is...
  4. Tuberoller1

    Power cords and diminishing returns

    So after reading this it seems like around $200-300 is the sweet spot (although obviously use your judgement based on how much your component using the cord costs).  Any other opinions on this?
  5. Tuberoller1

    Power cords and diminishing returns

    WOW!  That is quite an extensive shootout.  
  6. Tuberoller1

    Power cords and diminishing returns

    I'm thinking of upgrading my PCs, but am wondering what the sweat spot is as far as price.  The price point after which, you see diminishing returns.  for example a $1000 is certainly not twice as good as a $500 cable.
  7. Tuberoller1

    Perfect Wave DAC MKII or Metrum octave with audiophilleo 2?

    I currently have a Metrum Octave with an audiophilleo-2 feeding USB to it (USB is my primary source). I've been getting the upgrade bug recently and have been looking at the PWD MKII, which apparently doesn't need a USB->SPDIF converter. Financially, this would be a pretty substantial increase...
  8. Tuberoller1

    Audiophilleo 1 and 2 USB to S/PDIF transport

    I have an AP-2 with an AQVOX power supply.  I'm thinking of upgrading to PP, is it worth it compared to the AQVOX
  9. Tuberoller1

    USB Cable popularity check

    I remember when high end SPDIF digital cables were meant with the same skepticism.  Don't knock it until you try it, it makes a difference.
  10. Tuberoller1

    USB Cable popularity check

    Cardas Clear (1) Wireworld Starlight (3) Whiphlash Audio Polestar (1) Acoustic Revive PL (1) Monoprice (4) Basement printer cables (1) Free cable that came with the DAC (1) Locus Polestar (1)
  11. Tuberoller1

    USB Cable popularity check

    Enough with the printer cables, this is an audiophile site, is it not?  
  12. Tuberoller1

    USB Cable popularity check

    I just bought a locus polestar for $249 from whiplash audio and am loving it.  As many of you know the orginal creator of locus died recently, so whiplash audio is making all of their cables now.  check it out:
  13. Tuberoller1

    DAC Popularity Check (2013 Edition)

    Quote: Purely semantics, lets just keep it the original way to avoid confusion.
  14. Tuberoller1

    DAC Popularity Check (2013 Edition)

      Budget/Entry level (Below $1000): ------------------ FiiO E17 (1) Mid-level ($1k-$2k): --------- Metrum Octave (1)   High-End (Above $2k): ---------