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  • Users: firev1
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  1. firev1

    V-MOTA Headphone Casings Review.

    Hi guys, I'm a headphone(duh) guy in Singapore where most of us there are more into IEMs or High-End Hifi(at least imo) rather than the headphone scene. Recently, I helped a friend of mine repair his Alo Continental and as it turns out, he happened to be distributing some hardy headphone cases...
  2. firev1

    Halp, rewiring

      Anyone has any idea why both drivers would require 3 wires? Can I wire them up in 2 wire per driver?
  3. firev1

    My small Edifier R2000T review

        Edifier, the chinese company that bought Stax, is a very established brand in china, they have made everything from little phone docks to floorstanding speakers. The brand also has a very wide reach in many countries, mainly selling its multimedia or computer speakers series. The R2000T...
  4. firev1

    A nice new DAC2 from Benchmark showing at RMAF

    The DAC2 from a manufacturer Benchmark,, Benchmark will have their demo at Room 1000 at RMAF. 
  5. firev1

    The Neuro Turntable

      Darn cool product there, even if its more of a novelty thing, I think its very innovative especially in this world where people need to be taught how to listen to music.
  6. firev1

    The Centrance HiFi M8 thread

    Hifi-M8 and LX overview by expatinjapan   This post is a general copy and paste from the Hifi-M8 impressions thread:   *The impressions thread has reviews and an...
  7. firev1

    Accurate sound = musical sound? Potential evidence of accurate sound is overall related to more musical enjoyment. To summarise, it is shown that even amongst the younger people who have absolutely no experience in high end audio(the...
  8. firev1

    Center Speakers question.

    Hello I have the NAD 808CC and on the back of the speakers there appears to be a switch for Single or Double boundaries, what does it mean? It tells me to refer to the manual but at last it was lost with time back in my father's day.  Image...
  9. firev1

    [Impressions]Graham Slee Voyager

    A couple of days back, one of my friend's friend drop by my club's room for lols. Like many of us, he is an audiophile and to my delight and fortune, brought along his portable setup which essentially consist of the well revered Voyager and a pair of what seems to be(I wonder why I did not ask)...
  10. firev1


    So, I have been wondering, which earplugs do you guys use as say, your train ride plugs? And anyone tried custom plugs? Currently using 3M EAR classic plugs as my in train/bus plugs and "upgrading" to an ER-20 soon. 
  11. firev1

    Bookshelf, small speakers help: Creative Gigaworks T3 vs Audioengine A2

    Basically, because atm my brothers are studying and the living room is not mine, so I can't use my NAD setup in the living room so I have to move into my room to listen to music   So, anyone tried both? I have narrowed down to these two choices, same prices and great reviews about them. I...