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  1. Drsparis

    New Site Platform Bug Reports and Feedback Thread

    Bug in classifieds? Did I lose all my feedback? Haven't been here in a while and I see all of that has been (in theory) migrated to the new system. Did I lose all my feedback? I had like 30-40 trades...
  2. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Thanks for the update. any other updates on the 1 guy in charge of shipping out orders?
  3. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Glad to hear! thanks for the update, I hope they will ship out to everyone and not just tease people with a few shipped out IEM's. I really really hope I get to write a message similar to yours, but I have not heard from them for 3 weeks, and assume I will see messages resembling "sorry, they...
  4. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    well color me impressed!
  5. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Wow, I'm very impressed that (fingers crossed) I might actually get something for my money. I have no use for another pair of headphones though, a dac/amp is what I need... Alas I probably will accept anyway, what do you guys think?
  6. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    They paid for a product, we invested in a business venture gone so so wrong. Sadly there's an important difference...
  7. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Me too, I will stand by you for the sake of anyone else looking here.
  8. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Please don't way things like NEVER, i still have about 2% hope that my 1000+$ was not sent to someone who used it to fuel a fire lol.....
  9. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    That's reasonable, hopeful and yet the same all at the same time. Lol. Are the boards functional? Can we get them sans chassis lol?
  10. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    At least one here lol. Glad to see something coming out of this company...
  11. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Serious question... Why is money being spent on other projects ( see picture above of the source PCBs ) when the original pulse isint even finished... ?
  12. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Get any pulse boards too???
  13. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Hahahaha....hahah.... ;( God d@%it does it piss me off to have paid so much and see a lot of people with their devices and realize that i will most probably won't get mine. It is worse (for me) than nobody getting theirs and the crowdfund just fail.... Like a personal slap in the face lol....
  14. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Oh man, I still visit this thread from time to time to see if there are any updates to improve the I-don't-have-my-pulse-yet.
  15. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Lol seriously? expected delivery dates? There are just going to be "issues with the PCB" again... same thing I have been waiting for like 4 years lol, seriously, don't get my hopes up lol.
  16. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Oh that's simple! I can answer that one! The pcb batch did not live up to expectation/spec and they are looking for an alternative source of pcbs!
  17. Drsparis

    Burson PLAY: DAC/Headphone Amp/Preamp/Opamp rolling platform with mic input for gaming

    Can this be used with a gaming console? Been looking for a way to use my hd800 and a mic, with a quality amp
  18. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Are 2013 backers getting preference now? Because I am a 2013 backer... not October like some but I have been waiting long as F%$k.
  19. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    What about if I have a LPS on order... do I get a LPS 4 upgrade? haha, you know, if I wanted to purchase more LH Labs products ... please! as a Canadian I don't want to be shipping this back and forth...
  20. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Seriously this pisses me off soo much, especially that "94% have been delivered"... I don't have it and won't ever have anything worth it... I doubt I'll even be able to sell it... Being Canadian it's even worse... when it does screw up it will cost me and arm and a leg just to send it in and...
  21. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    At least we have updates... every 6 months ... and it's always the same thing, the PCB's are out of spec/ not up to par, next batch coming up soon!!! (seriously this excuse has been going on for like over 2 years....)
  22. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Can I write about my pulse? Lol been even longer
  23. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    Let me get my pulse first, then we worry about your source...
  24. Drsparis

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    I have been impatiently waiting for years as well.... i write to them about once every couple months but havnt gotten a reply in about a year... a freaking year....