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  1. thoughtcriminal

    Stuck in my search for the "One to rule them all"

    Peel of two stickers and those are nothing but lies and slander
  2. thoughtcriminal

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones Part II

    I hope youre using optima blue top batteries, anything else and you're just missing so much emotion and lushness
  3. thoughtcriminal

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones Part II

    I agree completely, that's the point I'm trying to make
  4. thoughtcriminal

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones Part II

    Yup sennheisers are veiled and akg are plasticky and bass light... *puts on some nero and lets the wubwubwun out the modded q701s rattle my skull*
  5. thoughtcriminal

    Need a portable amp to set between a Fiio X1 and AKG550's

    £109.95 on gets you a cayin c5, which I haven't had but plan on getting
  6. thoughtcriminal

    Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)

    You described them as intimate but said the soundstage was good. Have you heard the havi b3pro? How does the soundstage compare? I'm all about 3dsoundstage and holographic imaging. I like the havi but its a little too hard panned left and right rather than encompassing. Tuning on havi is near...
  7. thoughtcriminal

    How much is too much?

    Sounds like you're doing it right
  8. thoughtcriminal

    You Know You're an Audiophile When.. Version 2!

    Ykyaaw your day is ruined by your arrival home finding a little pink slip labeled USPS. On Saturday...
  9. thoughtcriminal

    Best Alternative IPOD Classic for the car

    Shouldn't that radio also work with any USB drive? Just get a flash drive big enough to carry your library and call it a day
  10. thoughtcriminal

    The Cayin C5 portable power house.

    How's the synergy with a set of akg q701? Chain would be iPod mini > lod > c5 >q701 Will the warm musicality of the Wolfson DAC and the "layered soundstage" pair well with the akgs massive sterile soundstage?
  11. thoughtcriminal

    You Know You're an Audiophile When.. Version 2!

    Have kids and sell/trade them for audio gear? Have kids have them make you audio gear like your own personal sweat shop? Ykyaaw the question of kids OR audio crosses your mind.
  12. thoughtcriminal

    You Know You're an Audiophile When.. Version 2!

    No kids, stax and maserati instead Ykyaaw you your inner audiophile is arguing with your inner gear head. "You need sound damping in your car it'll sound so much quieter and better" "Sound damping is heavy and real cars don't have stereos" "Sure sure. Now listen to this song and tell me it...
  13. thoughtcriminal

    Pictures of Your *Budget-Fi* Portable Rig (< $200)

    Depends on the model. IPod mini and iPod 3g. The headphone out is an absolute no go but they are the best sounding I have for line out. IPod nano 1g sounds congested and rolled off on both ends, but otherwise OK (underpowered) through the 3.5 IPhone 3s sounds the best out the headphone jack of...
  14. thoughtcriminal

    Pictures of Your *Budget-Fi* Portable Rig (< $200)

    You know I have 7 iPods right?
  15. thoughtcriminal

    Pictures of Your *Budget-Fi* Portable Rig (< $200)

    If you use a lod with a 3.5mm output, sure. Running straight out of the headphone out into an amp is double amping through the junk internal amp
  16. thoughtcriminal

    Pictures of Your *Budget-Fi* Portable Rig (< $200)

    It is beyond worth it. IPods have garbage internal amps, bypass that and the sound is a whole league ahead
  17. thoughtcriminal

    The AKG K7XX Massdrop First Edition Thread

    Are the k7xx a drastically different animal than the q701?
  18. thoughtcriminal

    Official Ipod Video / Classic 5g+5.5g+6g+6.5g+7g SSD Mod thread

    Sorry alibaba always gives me a hard time. There are raid USB adapters for microsd cards. This might work the same way. The sellers page says nothing unfortunately
  19. thoughtcriminal

    Official Ipod Video / Classic 5g+5.5g+6g+6.5g+7g SSD Mod thread

    Yeah this time next year that card will be 1/2 that. But its still worth it, not many iPods that big, flash memory or not Anyone know if something like this will work? It would have to consolidate the cards together to show as one drive, but if it works, 1tb+ SD build would be both easy and...
  20. thoughtcriminal

    Official Ipod Video / Classic 5g+5.5g+6g+6.5g+7g SSD Mod thread

    You won't regret it. I'm parts gathering for my second build. Its addicting
  21. thoughtcriminal

    Pictures of Your *Budget-Fi* Portable Rig (< $200)

    Unless its old and rebuilt. You can get iPod minis for $20 or less these days
  22. thoughtcriminal

    You Know You're an Audiophile When.. Version 2!

    Ykyaaw you have a near religious experience standing in an electronics store. Just walked into hhgregg to try out the cans and kill some time. Salesman comes over and asks what I need. Offhand I mention I'm looking for a preamp for my crown d75, start discussing, say "well it is over 30 years...
  23. thoughtcriminal

    Pictures of Your *Budget-Fi* Portable Rig (< $200)

    Represent! Pink is where its at
  24. thoughtcriminal

    Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)

    No it isn't. It only boosts the kick drum frequency and causes it to become rather uncontrolled. Damn near any other amp with a bass boost would be better. Actually the fiio e6 has a wicked bass boost to show the "you shoulda bought beats" kids how it's done.