Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
What is missing from your review is what equipment(s) you used to review the Ghost headphones on. Also, it's important to know what your preferences (biases) are. What headphones do you love or prefer? And finally, I think it's always important for reviewers--even well recognized reviewers, to reassure their audiences that the headphones were properly broken in with at least 100 hours of use or "cooking". Sometimes headphones wake up or settle down with use and I wish all reviewers would assure their readers this break-in period was done. I once mentioned this to an experienced headphone reviewer, and they acted incredulous with "I know how to review headphones"--which is not the point. It's what the Readers need--that reassurance every single time like a basic check list. I did enjoy your informative review.
@Condocondor you do raise some good points, I used to include the "I burned these in for 50+hrs" in my reviews but don't anymore. I do however make sure to "burn them in" for this period still before critically listening, I just don't feel the need to mention it anymore.

Also it is possible to review something that doesn't fit with personal preference and still rate them for what they are, you wouldn't rate something badly just because it is tuned against your preferred sound, instead it is possible to praise them for achieving what the brand set out to do.

It is probably important to list the hours burned in. Especially if the headphone has a less than stellar review. Though keep in mind many reviewers don’t do burn-in and don’t care what people think about it. Even Dr. Olive doesn’t believe in it. Though I do, and typically will burn in anywhere from 60 hours to 168 hours, and at times to 200 hours. As far as bias goes, I don’t think that is totally important as most reviewers (I think) have a bunch of experience and have heard enough to know what the headphone is doing, regardless of personal preference. As far as equipment, I totally agree, it needs to be listed!