etymotic evo
  1. E

    40% off Etymotic Evo + Free Etymotion today and tomorrow only

    Good morning Head-Fi-ers, We will keep this announcement short and sweet. Today and tomorrow only, October 11-12, our Evo is 40% discounted to $299.99. Order here: But wait... There is more... Add Evo to your cart, and a surprise...
  2. E

    Etymotic March Madness - Photo Competition

    Hello Head-Fi community, Etymotic is officially announcing the March Madness photo competition. How do I enter? All you need to do is share a photo of your Etymotic product in this thread. Up to 3 photos per participant please. Important note: Etymotic may choose to use any photo posted here...
  3. Etymotic EVO

    Etymotic EVO

    The Evo is taking a big departure from the well-known precision machined, anodized and laser-etched aluminum bodies look of our ER line. Metal injection molding allowed us to take a different direction. Metal powder and resin are mixed together, then precisely poured into metal molding, heated...
  4. Zachik

    Etymotic EVO: World Tour

    Hello Head-Fi community. Etymotic is getting ready to launch the new EVO, and asked for my help to organize a world tour!! The EVO represents several “firsts” for Etymotic: First multi-driver IEM First Stainless Steel body First concha-locked fit We are looking to run in parallel tours in...