shure se-846
  1. deafmutelame

    Shure SE846 vs. Campfire Audio Vega vs. Campfire Audio Atlas

    These 3, while different in their own particular way, have a similar sound signature, so I think we could benefit from this little survey. If you have heard at least 2 of them, please explain why you prefer one over the others in the comments. Shure SE846 - $999 -...
  2. J

    120 angled MMCX plug in for IEM, need some help.

    I just ordered some some custom sleeves for my shure se 846 and I've read and seen that the typical 180 degree, or straight, mmcx plug can cause some issues with the cable as it wraps around the ear. I've seen some angled, 120 degree, mmcx plugs that have a much more natural fit around the ear...
  3. H

    Looking for Desktop and Mobile Solutions

    Desktop Source: Mac Desktop — have FLAC files, some of which have been converted to ALAC via XLD as main library is in iTunes Considering KEF LS50 Wireless speakers, however, other have mentioned KEF LS50 Passives with a separate DAC and amp setup. Mobile Setup Source: iPhone X IEM: Shure...
  4. S

    Shure SE846 lacking bass?

    So I've been using the SE846 for 3 months now and they have yet to live up to the seemingly universal praise regarding bass. I mean, the bass is fine, but only just. I find that the bass is seriously lacking presence. Is it possible that I've gotten a defected pair of earphones? How would you...
  5. S

    Shure SE846 VS. Westone W80. Advice needed.

    Hello all. So I'm considering purchasing either of these but I'm not sure which one to go for. I've heard some discouraging things about both. From what I've gathered the SE846 can be very uncomfortable in the ear and the sound itself can be quite fatiguing and lacking in the treble department...