The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies
Apr 19, 2024 at 11:10 AM Post #23,491 of 24,489
My Volür arrived today. Gorgeous IEM, but the treble spike is very real. Does anyone have any cable or tip suggestions for calming it down a bit, or a suggested EQ setting? Other than that I absolutely love them, but it has a bit of bite for sure.

Thanks :)
Generally foam tips dampen the treble the most. I would recommend trying Comply tips if our stock foam tips don't do the trick for you. I particularly like the oval Comply tips for some of our treblier models.
64 Audio Stay updated on 64 Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 19, 2024 at 12:49 PM Post #23,492 of 24,489
My Volür arrived today. Gorgeous IEM, but the treble spike is very real. Does anyone have any cable or tip suggestions for calming it down a bit, or a suggested EQ setting? Other than that I absolutely love them, but it has a bit of bite for sure.

Thanks :)

I love the Volür. For my preferences, with the M15, the Volürs bass is phenomenal -- textured, physical, among my favorites there.

I've been playing around with eartips, and started with an old standby -- AZLA SednaEarfit (size MS). I've enjoyed the Volür very much with these, so I left them on for a while.

Recently, though, I was swapping around more, and kept coming back to the Final Type E (size M) -- another old standby eartip at the Head-Fi office. For me, there was something more put-together with the Final eartips -- a clear preference of the few different types of eartips I'd tried with the Volür. So I decided to measure. Here's the frequency response with the SednaEarFit tips (below):

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 11.29.41 AM.png

(That (above) was measured using HEAD acoustics' labCORE / ACQUA, with the Benchmark HPA4 as amp, with the Brüel & Kjær Type 5128 measurement manikin.)

This was the measurement with the Final eartips (below):

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 1.00.44 PM.png

(That (above) was measured using the Audio Precision APx555, with the Benchmark HPA4 as amp, with the Brüel & Kjær Type 5128 measurement manikin.)

These are using two different systems, only because I hadn't yet specifically measured the Volür with the Final eartips yet on the HEAD acoustics setup. And even though these were done using two different systems, they were on the same manikin, so the results are comparable.

Caveat: These were only one seating, one pass each -- not averaged multi-seatings. That said, I feel reasonably confident we have a fair representation here of the Volür with these two types of eartips. If/when I do multiple seatings for these two types of eartips, I'll post them. I'm still going to try other eartips, too, but, for now, I'm going to enjoy the Final-Type-E'd Volür, which has been one of my reference IEMs since its release.

EDIT 2024-04-19 1301 EDT: Replaced the AP plot with 50 dB y-axis (instead of 60 dB).
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Apr 19, 2024 at 1:11 PM Post #23,493 of 24,489
I love the Volür. For my preferences, with the M15, the Volürs bass is phenomenal -- textured, physical, among my favorites there.

I've been playing around with eartips, and started with an old standby -- AZLA SednaEarfit (size MS). I've enjoyed the Volür very much with these, so I left them on for a while.

Recently, though, I was swapping around more, and kept coming back to the Final Type E (size M) -- another old standby eartip at the Head-Fi office. For me, there was something more put-together with the Final eartips -- a clear preference of the few different types of eartips I'd tried with the Volür. So I decided to measure. Here's the frequency response with the SednaEarFit tips (below):

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 11.29.41 AM.png

(That (above) was measured using HEAD acoustics' labCORE / ACQUA, with the Benchmark HPA4 as amp, with the Brüel & Kjær Type 5128 measurement manikin.)

This was the measurement with the Final eartips (below):

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 1.00.44 PM.png

(That (above) was measured using the Audio Precision APx555, with the Benchmark HPA4 as amp, with the Brüel & Kjær Type 5128 measurement manikin.)

These are using two different systems, only because I hadn't yet specifically measured the Volür with the Final eartips yet on the HEAD acoustics setup. And even though these were done using two different systems, they were on the same manikin, so the results are comparable.

Caveat: These were only one seating, one pass each -- not averaged multi-seatings. That said, I feel reasonably confident we have a fair representation here of the Volür with these two types of eartips. If/when I do multiple seatings for these two types of eartips, I'll post them. I'm still going to try other eartips, too, but, for now, I'm going to enjoy the Final-Type-E'd Volür, which has been one of my reference IEMs since its release.

EDIT 2024-04-19 1301 EDT: Replaced the AP plot with 50 dB y-axis (instead of 60 dB).
Yeah, I'll second the AZLA SednaEarfit tips to help tame the Volür's upper treble. Other options that worked for me include the Softears Ultra Clear and I know some have had good luck with the Coreir brass tips also.
Apr 19, 2024 at 1:20 PM Post #23,494 of 24,489
Yeah, I'll second the AZLA SednaEarfit tips to help tame the Volür's upper treble. Other options that worked for me include the Softears Ultra Clear and I know some have had good luck with the Coreir brass tips also.

I may have been unclear. While I enjoy the SednaEarfit tips on the Volür, I prefer the Final Type E with it.

I'm glad you mentioned the Coreir brass tips, as we have those, too, but I haven't yet tried them with the Volür -- I'll look for them now!
Apr 19, 2024 at 1:27 PM Post #23,495 of 24,489
I may have been unclear. While I enjoy the SednaEarfit tips on the Volür, I prefer the Final Type E with it.

I'm glad you mentioned the Coreir brass tips, as we have those, too, but I haven't yet tried them with the Volür -- I'll look for them now!
Ahh yeah I did misread your message and, funnily enough, now I need to try the Final Type-E tips since I have them here too.
Apr 19, 2024 at 1:27 PM Post #23,496 of 24,489
I don't have any issue with the airy treble spike at all with my ears, but definitely try foamies as suggested. The Azla SednaEarfit also do tame treble as also mentioned. Give that a go.
Apr 24, 2024 at 2:31 PM Post #23,497 of 24,489
Hi everyone, we're running a survey to help us better understand the audiophile/high-end audio enthusiast. We love to learn from our customers and continue to grow as a company along with you. Let us know what you think and you'll get a piece of merch on us :)

***UDPATE*** We've hit our limit for free merch discount codes for this survey. Please feel free to submit your answers if you still want to give us your feedback, but any submissions after 2:10PM PDT April 24th won't be receiving a discount code for your participation. Thanks so much to everyone who participated.
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64 Audio Stay updated on 64 Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 24, 2024 at 2:35 PM Post #23,498 of 24,489
Hi everyone, we're running a survey to help us better understand the audiophile/high-end audio enthusiast. We love to learn from our customers and continue to grow as a company along with you. Let us know what you think and you'll get a piece of merch on us :)

Done :beerchug: #NeedMoreDDBassCIEMs
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Apr 24, 2024 at 2:42 PM Post #23,499 of 24,489
Hi everyone, we're running a survey to help us better understand the audiophile/high-end audio enthusiast. We love to learn from our customers and continue to grow as a company along with you. Let us know what you think and you'll get a piece of merch on us :)
Just to let you know that the survey required you to answer each line of the multi-choice “which 64 IEMs have you heard?” Question even if you hadn’t heard them all.
Apr 24, 2024 at 2:48 PM Post #23,500 of 24,489
Just to let you know that the survey required you to answer each line of the multi-choice “which 64 IEMs have you heard?” Question even if you hadn’t heard them all.

There’s an N/A option for each IEM.

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