Recent content by castleofargh
  1. castleofargh

    Some Test Tracks to check for Absolute Phase!

    I tend to measure a few things in a loop when I get new gear, to verify that nothing is obviously wrong and that I didn’t pay for fake marketing performances. If after the most basic sweep in REW, I see the impulse looking down, I’ll do something about it(so far it’s been some cable wrongly...
  2. castleofargh

    Learning Parametric Equalization, how do I begin this journey to some degree of being a pro?

    A pro would have several tracks for each instrument and do cuts and boosts to highlight the relevant portions and avoid having one masking completely another on top of "sculpting" the sound of each instrument. But for us music consumers, EQ there is no mixing involved and EQ is very...
  3. castleofargh

    Sound Science Corner Pub

    We can't get far in science without math, so I'd like to remind everybody that "one is a number divided by two". Think about it! I prefer the Three Dog Night version, but sadly that very strong and meaningful sentence isn't in it. I'm guessing someone in the band went, "wait, what?"
  4. castleofargh

    Unexpected expansion of earbud sound stage

    By default, we locate things with our eyes. The brain trusts visual cues more than audio cues when they happen to disagree. It's one of the reasons why I keep making a distinction that audiophiles hate, between what people are perceiving with their ears(what something really sounds like), and...
  5. castleofargh

    Why Is There Not More Pushback Against Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

    ANC can do impressive attenuation at low to mid frequency, while passive isolation can pretty much kill high frequency but won't do a lot for lower freqs that will just go through any not very thick material. The best solution is ANC with a decent amount of seal for passive isolation. If ambient...
  6. castleofargh

    Sound Science Corner Pub

    I asked you to go do it in your thread, you ignored me, simple as that.
  7. castleofargh

    Sound Science Corner Pub

    How about you stop pushing the same conversation we already answered about in every other thread? If you actually wish to discuss this(why? You don't listen to what we tell you), go do it in your already existing thread.
  8. castleofargh

    need help in some explanation with dac-s build and statements

    The first link's mention of 20Hz-20kHz with nothing else is... strange. I don't really understand what purpose that has. The second does as we suggested, it actually gives you the frequency response deviation over a certain bandwidth. In this case -3dB over 5hz-87kHz. Sometimes you'll get 2...
  9. castleofargh

    Do solid state amplifiers sound the same ?

    In order of what has the least fidelity and can be found with the most variations, we have transducers, and then amps. Between the power differences, the distortions figures(while loaded with the headphone!), the differences in impedance(value at 1kHz, but also everywhere else as the impedance...
  10. castleofargh

    need help in some explanation with dac-s build and statements

    That's almost certainly not what's happening. The mention of 20Hz-20kHz was most likely as reference for some other measurement, as @Roseval suggested. Like to say how much frequency response deviation there is over that particular range of frequency. It doesn't make much sense to just randomly...
  11. castleofargh

    Frequencys/Songs with "effect" on the human body

    You're being foolish. Don't you at least feel so when typing "teleportation" in something that's supposed to be a serious conversation about reality? That alone should trigger your new age organic spider-sense. This is not an episode of Star Trek. Nothing is teleported. There is no way to deal...
  12. castleofargh

    Frequencys/Songs with "effect" on the human body

    😩 Yeah yeah, everything is said to be quantum as this is our best model for the universe. I'm using a quantum keyboard to type this text right now while sitting in my quantum chair. That should impress someone.
  13. castleofargh

    Frequencys/Songs with "effect" on the human body

    Nobody would finance his work, and he'd be on YouTube while still working at the bank as a data analyst to program trading algos? I'm forever optimistic
  14. castleofargh

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Another paper(I have it somewhere, but where and what is it called? IDK) suggests that it is normal to be influenced by those very things you list while trying to locate a sound source. It is the amount of impact that seems to change depending on experience or whatever. I mean, I've discussed...
  15. castleofargh

    Can you hear upscaling?

    I do not know enough about what he does to exclude side effects that become audible. For dither, I would imagine something like maybe such an aggressive noise shaping that an absurd amount of energy ends up in the ultrasounds that he then has real trouble properly filtering, or some artifacts...