Recent content by MLGrado
  1. MLGrado

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    Yes its a winner. Quite good. The fact you get a headphone amp that is good at this price as well is the kicker. I have DACS up to to about the 400 dollar range that are in the same zone audibly via balanced pre-outs, the fact is none of those also have a very capable headphone amp built in...
  2. MLGrado

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    yes, getting some clarity on how to define these things would be helpful. So many people seem to be speaking a different language. We need clearly defined terms. for instance, one major hangup in understanding PCM vs DSD is exactly what we mean by bits. Bits can be defined in different ways...
  3. MLGrado

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    not the ZEN DAC, but I had to also take advantage of the new product updates to remove the ZEN Phono from my heavily modified Rega RP3 setup and try out the iFi ZEN Phono V3... cannot wait....
  4. MLGrado

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    That thread you linked gives me a headache. lol. It inspired me to start writing an easy, fairly concise summary of the 'pure DSD' Dacs, how they ALL work around Thermometer/unary coding/dynamic element matching on my blog at This has just been an idea in my mind but looks...
  5. MLGrado

    Holo Audio Cyan 2 DAC

    Okay I get it. Holo audio has two 'ladders' for each format.. PCM has two and DSD two. Redundancy. They call the DSD converter a ladder DAC, but that's more just marketing, and yes, while DSD FIR filters can use an array of resistor elements, (or caps) it isn't the same and IMO leads to...
  6. MLGrado

    Holo Audio Cyan 2 DAC

    so in most important ways, its is not a 'ladder' as in PCM ladder. It is like the DSC2 I have sitting here with its resistor 'ladder' of equal weighting fed by shift register. An FIR filter to put it simply. Where I am trying to understand the Cyan is the 8 by 8 architecture. I am...
  7. MLGrado

    Holo Audio Cyan 2 DAC

    thank you I knew Jussi probably had commented on it somewhere. Obviously he is among the most reliable and knowledgeable sources. Not the only one, but I don't think anyone has the pulse of the 'DSD Industry' quite like Jussi. Much respect.
  8. MLGrado

    Gustard DAC-A26 - AK4499EX DAC :: Impressions Thread

    that would be what I am looking for yes. Does it have that separate menu item allowing the choice. my apologies, S.M.S.L calls it 'FIXED DSD BYPASS' in its software and includes it with the other choices mentioned. So yes, it can be selected here. Good deal! Thanks so much
  9. MLGrado

    Holo Audio Cyan 2 DAC

    anyone aware of the DSD conversion path here? I have seen a lot about Holo being one bit, and the use fancy buzzwords that don't mean much when actually telling us what it does or how it works. I am assuming that as a true 1 bit converter, it is a thermometer coded multi-resistor element...
  10. MLGrado

    Gustard DAC-A26 - AK4499EX DAC :: Impressions Thread

    Does this version on the AK4191 +AK4499EX have access to bypass mode? No if it doesn't specifically have a bypass mode for DSD as a menu choice, it doesn't have it. (The ones I have reviewed with the Bypass have it as a third output option. You get 'variable' 'fixed' and DSD Bypass fixed'...
  11. MLGrado

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    Good to know. At the time of my review of the ZEN DAC V2 this was not yet the case although it was available on the original ZEN DAC ( option for GTO filter) The default filter in the reviewed models I had was a standard linear phase FIR with very good stopband rejection ( over 80db if I...
  12. MLGrado

    Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S

    In the middle of my review of the new iFi ZEN DAC V3 (fed by NAA through the iFi ZEN STREAM via HQPLAYER on my just finished today purpose build PC just for Roon and Hqplayer, so I am totally maxing out the quality of the ZEN DAC) via my trusty H650s (on my third pair now) BUT.... it sounds...
  13. MLGrado

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    You have what I consider to be the best synergy I have heard between products. Likewise I have a Zen Stream with Zen DAC V2 and now V3 under test. I don’t think anyone has better sound for the money. The synergy is that good. And as good as the V2 is, the V3 has a better headphone amp...
  14. MLGrado

    iFi Audio Zen Dac 3... Plug In, World Out!

    You might say that. The ZEN V3 doesn’t just stand out for features. Sound quality is competitive or better than products costing twice as much. And that includes iFi’s own products such as the original Neo DAC/AMP. The Neo with Firmware upgrade had more features such as choice of standard...
  15. MLGrado

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    But didn’t you know topping is making DAC’s with SINAD approaching 125db and dynamic range greater than 130db, and near perfect linearity to -120db? They are measurement kings which we all know means they are obviously better than anything iFi or Holo could possibly make Lol of course I’m...