Recent content by tunes
  1. tunes

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Please try to find a quiet room to do the comparisons on Envy. Looking forward to your impressions.
  2. tunes

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Hopefully no one buys list price anymore and we need to wait until Immanis is released to dealers to drive the price down a bit.
  3. tunes

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    When you can please give us another review of your Envy AE with both Immanis and Susvara. Thanks
  4. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Thanks for this info. Very interesting.
  5. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Thanks for the advice. Can you elaborate on what you mean by ” I will also keep my HSA at least until Mitch has released new convolution filters for Immanis, and then, and only then, will I decide what to do with the HSA”. Who is Mitch and what are convolution filters for Immanis??
  6. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I have an Envy on order and an HSA1b currently to drive my SR1a but about to sell the SR1a in anticipation on getting the Immanis to compliment my Susvara. I also have the HSA1b for sale but should I hold on to the HSA1b until I get the Immanis? I have heard that the Envy is a good match for...
  7. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I would love to come but too far to travel. Thanks for the invitation. Sounds very exciting so whoever attends please post your impressions for the rest of us unfortunate stay at home folks.
  8. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Is the more expansive sound stage of Immanis as large and 3D as the Hifiman HEKSE? How does it compare the the Susvara on a proper amp? Does using the interface for Immanis on regular SS or tube amps introduce any noise or coloration compared to direct drive without the interface with the amps...
  9. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Now let’s see what the new Susvara will cost? If better than Imannis then I will wait for all the reviews and burn in to make a final decision but I can’t imagine it will beat the sound stage, speed and impactfullness described for early demos of Imannis. Time will tell.
  10. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I have an ENLEUM 23R and wonder how well it would drive the Immanis as a SS amp often stated to have tube-like qualities.
  11. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Be nice. I am an old man. Don’t read my posts if they irritate you. We are free to ask a barrage of questions to anyone who will respond IMHO.
  12. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    How would you compare sound stage and the bass and sub bass between the Envy plus Immanis vs Envy plus Susvara? Also, did you compare the Envy performance to the Envy AE with both headphones above???
  13. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Direct plug and play for Immanis? Without need for transformer interface box?? Which would be a better pairing, HSA1b or Feliks Envy with interface box??
  14. tunes

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Will the HSA1B work with Immanis??