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  • Users: sunjam
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  1. sunjam

    Latest news about MQA
  2. sunjam

    Is VST band-limited?

    Some one told me that VST is band-limited. Is it true? i.e. if I have an VST plug-in that generates a perfect square wave, VST would somehow band limit the output to half of the sampling rate so that the ouput would not be a perfect square wave anymore. Is it true?
  3. sunjam

    Is there any budget audio line-in USB adaptor?

    Hi, I am looking for a budget PC audio line-in USB adaptor for audio signal analysis. Supporting 192/24 or higher is a must. Could you recommend some models that is around $100 (or less)? Cheers :relaxed:
  4. sunjam

    Hope this help you to explain Hi-Res music to your CD friends

    "The expert in 'the Monty's video' shows clearly Hi-Res is useless; you won't get stair step audio signal output from CD"....Well, let's check together to find out! (
  5. sunjam

    Serious Question: How can DAC's have a SOUND SIGNATURE if they measure as transparent? Are that many confused?

    Not sure how many of us here would be interested in such topic as I believe that most people here would understand that different DAC would sounds differently, even with the so-called "audibly transparent" (as defined below). (I believe It is not the same transparent that most people use) The...
  6. sunjam

    Using foobar to send file to HQPlayer?

    Sorry for my ignorance. Just wondering if there is any way to use foobar to send file to HQPlayer? Similar to what Roon is doing? I did try to use the vitual cable ( via wasapi into HQPlayer. It works but I have to change the input bitrate for the HQPlayer whenever I change the...