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  1. P

    The discovery thread!

    No clue. Sorry. Perhaps the avid tip rollers can chime in?
  2. P

    The discovery thread!

    I bought Dunu S&S tips and TRN ST7.
  3. P


    Aful MagicOne is $99 at HiFiGo: Regular price is $140. Excellent price for a superb single-BA IEM.
  4. P

    The discovery thread!

    l'm sitting back and chuckling at this discussion about reviewer objectivity. It's pretty simple: ALL reviewers are human, so they have biases. Everyone who reads or watches a review better accept that, or I have oceanfront property in Saskatchewan to sell you. Bias can become a problem when...
  5. P

    The discovery thread!

    One of my five favorite movies of all time.
  6. P

    The discovery thread!

    Ziigaat appears to be the latest new manufacturer to fall through the trap door of grace. The company was bathed in gloss upon the release of the Doscinco, Nuo and Cincotres -- Ziigaat was the belle of the ball and could do no wrong in January and February. Now I'm seeing more and more reviews...
  7. P

    The discovery thread!

    Adventures in new tip rolling with my new budget king, the Kefine Delci: Stock tips: Flimsy as f*ck. But they do emphasize mid-bass punch well if the seal is good. But the stock tips are so damn seal-dependent because the bells are so thin and flimsy. Tri Clarion: Disliked this combo. Neutered...
  8. P

    The discovery thread!

    Yeah, but you folks don't go bankrupt when you suffer a serious illness, unlike the completely f*cked-up for-profit healthcare system in America.
  9. P

    The discovery thread!

    Given how my sonic preferences are very close to yours, my money clip weeps. :)
  10. P

    The discovery thread!

    Feel better. Martin Sexton, a native of my hometown and probably forever residence -- Syracuse, New York!
  11. P

    The discovery thread!

    The greatest album of all time! :)
  12. P

    The discovery thread!

    Christ on a bike: That's a SMOKIN' deal.
  13. P

    The discovery thread!

    The Delci sub-bass might be a bit too much for you even though I love it. I suggest the Artti R1. Excellent set for $80. But again, you have a better 1DD with the Himalaya. Why buy a budget set? Wouldn't you just gravitate to the Him every time? People can slice their bread as they please, but...
  14. P

    The discovery thread!

    Love the message on the mug, dude. As the lead singer in two bands, I need that mug! :)
  15. P

    The discovery thread!

    No coincidence Apple's vanguard designs stopped when chief designer Jony Ive left the company in 2019. He was the leading design influence of the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPod, MacBook and iOS. Just a minor player in the company ... :)
  16. P

    The discovery thread!

    Are those Dunu S&S tips on the Delci? If so, how do you like them and how do they affect the signature? Thanks. Edit: Just read your fine review and got my answer! :)
  17. P

    The discovery thread!

    I reckon you'll f*cking love it. I think it's your kind of tuning, Monk. Mine, too! The Delci is excellent with rock. Hell, it's good with all genres. I don't listen to NEARLY as much new gear as you cats, but the Delci is my favorite release of 2024 so far. Stock tips suck, though -- far too...
  18. P

    The discovery thread!

    Love my Delcis. $60 VERY well spent.
  19. P

    The discovery thread!

    Yet another example of the driver count war that is so foolish. Just like the "We reduced THD by .000007 in our new amp" from Chi-fi manufacturers. Big f*cking whoop. My belief that "less is more" with IEM drivers grows by the day, especially when I see excellent single DD's like the Delci and...
  20. P

    The discovery thread!

    Exactly. Details matter. Mistakes happen, but as I learned in journalism school 40 years ago, it's better to be accurate than to be first. Hard to take this reviewer seriously after that kind of mistake.
  21. P

    The discovery thread!

    From the Once an Audiophile, Always an Audiophile Dept: I work as the director of editorial for Penske Entertainment, which owns the NTT INDYCAR SERIES and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. I'm working this month at the Speedway for the Indianapolis 500. It's a fun job that I've done for nearly...
  22. P

    The discovery thread!

    Me to my 95-year-old father on our daily FaceTime call: "Hey, Pop: I got another set of headphones!" Pop to 58-year-old son: "Another one? Jesus, how many do you have? Aren't they all the same?" :)
  23. P

    The discovery thread!

    The Delci is far from peaky and sibilant, even with the crap stock tips. This dude must have treble sensitivity like a hunting hound.
  24. P

    The discovery thread!

    Wait -- he called the Delci a planar? Instant fail. I loathe peaky headphones and IEMs, too. The Delci isn't close to peaky. The only peaky I like is one of the greatest TV series of all times -- "Peaky Blinders."