blue hawaii
  1. MoonAudio

    HeadAmp Blue Hawaii Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier - Now Available and in Stock

    Blue Hawaii Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier HeadAmp $6,995.00 The Power of the Blue Hawaii No other amplifier on the market can provide electrostatic headphones with the accuracy, drive, and control of the Blue Hawaii SE. When paired with the Dan Clark Audio Voce, Stax SR-009S or SR-007MkII...
  2. justin w.

    STAX SR-009BK (Limited Edition!) now in stock at HeadAmp

    STAX is only making 180 pairs of these beautiful SR-009BK (the BK is for black) in honor of their 80th anniversary, and HeadAmp has a few of them! The color is more of a dark gray as shown in these photos Find out more here...
  3. jrfmd

    burn in time for blue hawaii ??

    i have a new blue hawaii wonder if anyone has any idea how long it takes to burn in and if the burn in changes the sound quality noticeably. I don't know how many members actually have one of these but I'm hoping someone could give me an idea thanks JRF