  1. Canpur CP32E

    Canpur CP32E

    <3BA+2EST> Receiver model:Sonion 38D2XJ007Mi-8c/Sonion 2354/Sonion EST65DB01 Assembly form:Conduit type Impedance:10Ω@1khz Sensitivity:100db@1khz Sound style:Crisp sound and Elastic low frequency, Theoretical frequency response above 45 kHz Suggested music style:Pop, EDM, Rock, Absolute Music
  2. MusicTeck

    The Long Waited Canpur CP54E and CP32E Are Back In Stock!

    Canpur Performance Series: CP54E <5BA+4EST> Receiver model:Sonion 38D2XJ007Mi-8c/Sonion 2389/Sonion E50DT0005/D/Sonion EST65QB01 Assembly form: Conduit type Impedance: 10Ω@1khz Sensitivity: 100db@1khz Sound style: Comprehensive sound and Elastic low frequency, Theoretical frequency response...
  3. ian91

    Canpur Audio - Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Canpur Audio Information below from MusicTeck here Canpur Audio was founded by: Hans JAPM Witjes (Dutch): Professional band drummer in the 80s with over 25 years of live performance and tuning experience and 10 years in foreign trade. Tony Gu (Chinese): 10 years of focus on research...