Sold: Audeze LCD-X Dr Frankenstien edition [offers/interest check]
Listing ID: 52073 Views: 334
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Ever wanted some LCD-X but thought "i wish they looked nicer than just boring old black"? well today is your lucky day!

After breaking 2 pairs of LCD-2s i managed to come across a brand new replacement driver set for the LCD-X and so i fitted them into the rings from my 2 bamboo and fitted the newer spring steel headband from my LCD-2 closed backs and the leather pads from the 2 bamboo

i tried to love them, i really did but they just arent for me, they lack the low end magic of the 2s, i thought this when i tested them at a hifi shop but they were the only drivers available to me, seemed a shame not to fix them and i thought with time and EQ i could learn to love them but sadly i just cant

anyway eventually in a moment of madness i splurged on a set of Meze Lirics and since then these have just sat there in the case unused

now youre welcome to have them however you like, with the black rings from the 2 closed making them look much more LCD-Xish, with the older style case or the newer, with the old style headband, leather earpads or the softer type fake leather ones from the 2 closed, the choice is up to you. they have the original SE cable as well as a 4.4mm balanced and an XLR balanced cable

because theyre a bit of a Frankenstein's monster im unsure of what to ask for them so im just asking for reasonable offers, the drivers cost me £350 alone so please no silly offers, theyre a great set of headphones theyre just not for me (i admit it, im a bass head) seems a shame for them to sit unused
Listed by: emba4 (3)
Listed: 2023-08-04
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