Recent content by 15avigil
  1. 15avigil

    Headphone Sightings 2

    Grado Sr60's spotted on campus today. That's all.
  2. 15avigil

    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    Figured I'd chime in here. My re400's came in yesterday. I am VERY impressed, they lived up to every ounce of hype I've seen about them. Excellent build quality and detail, good soundstage for an IEM, and I love the cable. The accessories were a bit disappointing, but that's easily excusable for...
  3. 15avigil

    hd25-1 impressions thread

    Ahh. I love these things. I've put about 150 hours on them at home and 300+ on the go, I never get tired of them. Sadly they're on their way to a new owner, hopefully he'll enjoy them as much as I did.
  4. 15avigil

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    Here's what I've got, I'm looking at a better pair of IEM's for portable use:   1. Beyerdynamic dt990 pro 2. Sennheiser hd25-1 II 3. Vsonic GR06 4. Sennheiser cx200 5. Apple earbuds (Not earpods) 6. Skullcandy ink'd
  5. 15avigil

    Best all around for newbie

    My vote goes for the dt770. It's closed, very well made, and has a newbie friendly sound signature that's a little v shaped/bass heavy. The m50's are similar but a big step down all around, especially comfort.
  6. 15avigil

    Headphone Sightings 2

    Saw Ultrasone Pro 900's at the Denver airport today. It was hard for me to keep my cool and not rush up to him asking how he likes them, if I can try them out, etc, being the first time I've ever sen a single pair of "high end" headphones other than Beats, Bose and Skullcandy. I couldn't see his...
  7. 15avigil

    Any non-leakage, portable headphones?

    Consider the Sennheiser hd25-1 II's. They sound like exactly what you're looking for. Check out some reviews around here.
  8. 15avigil

    NEW! Monster DNA headphones

    I really don't get what the deal is with putting letters backwards and they're suddenly "cool". Anyways, I'm expecting something in-between the solo and mixr; bad build quality and comfort but at least half-decent audio quality.
  9. 15avigil

    Your Top 3 Favorite Headphones in Appearance

    Haven't ever held any of these in my hands, but -Sennheiser hd598 -AiAiAi Tma-1 -Grado ps1000 Edit: The V-moda M80 are pretty sexy looking too, just not as minimalistic as the others. Don't quite make it into my top 3.
  10. 15avigil

    Will the Fiio e6 be adequate for DT770 pro 80 ohm? (Very new to this)

    Turns out I decided to go for the hd25-1 II's, for which an amp is pretty unnecessary. Thanks for the input anyways.
  11. 15avigil

    Will the Fiio e6 be adequate for DT770 pro 80 ohm? (Very new to this)

    I know it's far from the best, but my files aren't too high quality (120-300 bitrate mp3's) and my budget is really tight. It looks like it is the best option, but I'd just like some feedback before going through with my purchase.