Recent content by bryanbhu
  1. bryanbhu

    Who created the first headphone amp?

    That Stax one, I wonder how many/well/badly they sold back in its day?
  2. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    In relation to my previous comment about catching details clearly with highly articulated genre and hardly any with the others, I've been doing some experiments. I just wanted to know if I can really appreciate modern genre as much. So I sat and actually made a concious decision to "listen"...
  3. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    Quote: Originally Posted by userlander I think, in fact, this kind of "lack of exuberance" you refer to is actually a kind of illusion of the C-2C as much as the false dynamism is with other amps, only kind of in reverse. It's almost like the exuberance is "masked" by the neutrality and...
  4. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    Yes the clunk clunk clunk is the volume pot, but when I first got it I rotated it 3 or 4 dozen times and also over the weeks it softened up somewhat. The dial isn't exactly "tough" as such once you are gripping it, so the speed to bring it down is probably not the problem. If you are in an...
  5. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    The strange symptoms - the overall dim playback from the 2nd day - persisted for about a week after that, till I began to think there may be something wrong with it. I turned it off for about a day and half and restarted, and it's been gone since. I might have had a freak incident or something...
  6. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    Yeah of course I'll give it time Realistically I'd reckon a month is fair. I was expecting this sort of phase where an equipment misbehaves, and I still am, it's just that it's more abrupt and pronounced than I'm accustomed to. So I'm more perplexed. Not annoyed. I'm looking forward to the next...
  7. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    Quote: Originally Posted by userlander Wait till it smooths out a little and opens up with break in. The soundstage is nothing short of panoramic. Quote: Originally Posted by Pricklely Peete It'll open up and become much more controlled on the bottom end with the treble...
  8. bryanbhu

    Who created the first headphone amp?

    That Stax one, I wonder how many/well/badly they sold back in its day?
  9. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    I'm happy to report that I got my 19MK3 and C-2C Both were in the same box, well packaged. The timing seems alright. I paid in the 1st week of October (did I say 5th? can't remember), sent a reminder around 23rd, had it shipped on the 27th, and tracking looks like this: Code: Date Time...
  10. bryanbhu

    2Move acting up when computer is stressed :(

    Never had that happen. I don't think it has anything to do with static, but more to do with the sound buffering or driver issues. Not sure though, so your first task is to narrow it down, then go to an appropriate forum to ask. If it's a PC issue then you won't find a solution complaining about...
  11. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    Yeah I know, most tracking is like that regardless of the carrier - generally tedious and more frustrating than helpful. Don't worry, I'm resigned enough to the fact that our planet Earth is still very large and I don't expect this to happen quickly It does help to know the precedence...
  12. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    Quote: Originally Posted by les_garten Pirates, don't trust 'em! Well, my plan was to have my shipment stolen, then retrieved by the foreign office for a quicker delivery than sluggish commercial carriers on a strike Jokes aside, mine's still somewhere along the way, not...
  13. bryanbhu

    Audio GD C2C

    You two, don't scare me please In case anyone reading from the UK: After much digging around, it's come to my attention that EMS could potentially spend a couple of weeks before sending the items through customs in the UK, at which point it gets handed to Parcel Force. While Parcel Force...
  14. bryanbhu

    Review: Audio-gd C2C Headphone amp vs. Little Dot MKV

    userlander, I think he meant that C2C's power output is considerably higher with the respective impedance level, referring to your comment on 'more power'. It is interesting though how this comparison is going, isn't it. I start wiggling in my seat itching to get 5 more amps or something! Sadly...
  15. bryanbhu

    Bringing an amp/DAC through Customs

    Not the demonstration pic I saw...! All I could say was, my god, the technology has come a long way.