cafe zeenuts
Coffee, headphones, motorbike and cycling
Traveling the world.
Headphone Amp Inventory
(Tweak) LD MK VI,herbie tube damper on all tubes! Supported by vibrapod and cones...
Power-Related Components
Volex 17604 with Furutech FI-11ag, FI-25M(R) and FI-AU 3112(R)

SINE VM-1 AC voltage meter

Custom made 240-220V 1000Va stepdown auto transformer!

Custom 100ohm 4pin XLR adapter.
Other Audio Equipment
Custom made ikea lack rack
Audio-Related Tweaks
Vibrapods & cones, Caig Deoxit D100L & G100L and squash ball.

herbie tube damper
Music Preferences
Jazz & Classical and Rock

