Recent content by CatboyMac
  1. CatboyMac

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    Looking to make the jump to the HE-560 this year. Any impressions of the 560 with the O2?
  2. CatboyMac

    Mo-Fi Headphones from Blue Microphones: Multi-link, Amplified Headphone Goodness - Head-Fi TV

    Any word on a barebones version without a built-in amp or media buttons?
  3. CatboyMac

    HiFiMAN x AC Gears Retail Launch and Headphone Meet in NYC

    I can't wait to demo the HE-500 again.
  4. CatboyMac

    The Playstation 4

    I don't know about comeback; didn't all the consoles and handhelds outsell the 360?
  5. CatboyMac

    The Playstation 4

    XBL Gold still existing and the whole used games fiasco, it'll be hard to imagine the XBONE being a great value.
  6. CatboyMac

    The Playstation 4

    This is a non-issue, you can turn off auto updates.
  7. CatboyMac

    The Playstation 4

    Can't you just turn off auto-updates for games you rarely play?
  8. CatboyMac

    The Playstation 4

    Quote: The Rift is definitely killing my interest in 120hz, but nothing compares to a good old-fashioned high pixel density.
  9. CatboyMac

    The Playstation 4

    If E3 is good, I might pick one up at launch. I've decided I'm not going to upgrade my PC until 4K becomes affordable, so it may end up being my main gaming device for a year or two.
  10. CatboyMac

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    Expensive amps don't necessarily improve sound.
  11. CatboyMac

    New York Audio Show 2013

    Quote: Did you go to the Sony store up the street? The had the smaller 4K TVs on display and for sale. It looked amazing.
  12. CatboyMac

    New York Audio Show 2013

    I completely forgot to test the new Audeze. :( The HD800+HDVA600 is probably the best combo I've ever heard. Ever. The HE-5+WA7 decent, too. Fit was iffy, though.
  13. CatboyMac

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    I considered the HE-400, but I heard the midrange distortion was abysmal.
  14. CatboyMac

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   Can you export the EQ as a file and upload it?
  15. CatboyMac

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    I'm already planning on my next 'phones (gee, what a journey this thread has been for me, huh?) I'm looking at either the HE-500 or the HD600. Maybe I'll get to demo them at that audio show in NYC next week.