Recent content by Cellazzurra
  1. Cellazzurra

    Sub-100 euro in-ear headphones

    I can help you only for the EDM because I've only bassy headphones... but I'll stay here to wait any answers with you :)
  2. Cellazzurra

    The bass on the BOSE IE2 and BOSE SIE2?

    Hi, I'm looking for the BOSE IE2 because i losted my BOSE SIE2 two weeks ago, but i love their comfort and their bass, for these reasons I'm looking for the IE2, only the price of SIE2 separate me to them. Now, the price of IE2 is more affordable and I'm here to ask you if the bass on the IE2 is...
  3. Cellazzurra

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    1) BOSE SIE2 2) Sony MDR-XB500 3) JVC HA-FX101-R 4) SOUNDMAGIC E10   These 4 (3 in ear and 1 over) are bassy headphones because i call me a basshead and i love to ear them I'm waiting only to increase my budget to buy the SONY MDR-XB1000, until then i prefer, love and use everywhere the...