Recent content by charlie875578

  1. charlie875578

    Sennheiser HD 700 + FiiO Q1 Mark II

    Has anyone tried this combo? Is this amp capable of driving these headphones? I know it's not going to be anyone's top choice, I'm just thinking of picking these up for cheap and I want a decent amp for now as I know somewhere in storage I have a Schiit amp/dac and having this more portable...
  2. charlie875578

    BW P9 vs Denon AH-D7200

    Thanks for the response. I can order the P9 and return those if needed but i can't find the 7200 available anywhere near me to listen to. I'm definitely looking for something musical and not analytical. Are the 7200 significantly more demanding amp wise??
  3. charlie875578

    BW P9 vs Denon AH-D7200

    Anyone have any thoughts on these 2? I currently have BW P5 and VModa M100s. I listen to mostly rock and classic rock (lossless files). I listen to a lot of live recordings. I would probably use these at times on the PS4 for some single player games or movies/tv. Of my current HPs I like...
  4. charlie875578

    Philips Fidelio X1 vs Bowers Wilkins P7

    I should mention I am also intrigued by the HiFiMan HE-400 and AKG Q701...In anyone wants to compare any combination of these 4. Yet everytime I feel like I want to pull the trigger on one of these 2 I read something that makes me hit "clear cart." "The Q701 have no bass impact and are good for...
  5. charlie875578

    Philips Fidelio X1 vs Bowers Wilkins P7

    I don't have the ability to test the Philips Fidelio X1. I'm looking at these two as a HP for mainly home use with some travel use (not so much using on a plane/car, rather a over ear that doesn't require a full amp rig to get enjoyment. Most of the listening will be Concert DVDs, Netflix...
  6. charlie875578

    Upgrading My Bowers Wilkins P5

    I have some P5s that I use mostly for travel, gym but I find I'm using them for home use much more than I thought I would when I bought them. This has me wanting to upgrade to something nice to use for home only and just continue to use the P5s at the gym and when I'm on the go. I like the sound...
  7. charlie875578

    Bowers and Wilkins P5

    Hey thanks for the great response. I, too, have been interested in the p7 but they seem like they may be slightly bigger than what I wasn't in a portable headphone...although I love the way they look and sound
  8. charlie875578

    Bowers and Wilkins P5

    I've heard one person say these have noise transfer when you move around in them, I forget what the term for this, where the cable rubs and it's transferred to the listener. Can anyone comment on this? I've only heard this from one person, being a "portable" hp I would find this kind off hard to...
  9. charlie875578

    VModa M100 Pics

    Appreciate it. Totally forgot to check Youtube. Actually a big fan of his videos and the perspective he brings.
  10. charlie875578

    VModa M100 Pics

    Does anyone have any picture of know where I can find pictures of VModa M100's being worn. (Yes, I've seen a few on Google Images, etc). Just trying to see some different angles and such. Trying to decide between Momentums, M80, M100's as a gym/on the go HP. May end up falling back on Shure...
  11. charlie875578

    V-MODA M100 or Denon AH-D600?

    I was looking at those, the Denon's price has plummeted making it very tempting but kind of concerning too. I loved the AHD5000 so I know I would be comparing those to the 600. But the M-100 do seem better for portable use (school, work, etc) and seem to be able to achieve a closer to maximum...
  12. charlie875578

    V-MODA M100 or Denon AH-D600?

    Anymore opinions on the AHD600 vs. the M100, seem like they would be comparable fun headphones and they're both at similar prices. Can anyone who has heard both comment?....   Thanks
  13. charlie875578

    Portable headphones options

    Thanks for the response. I'm gonna look into these. I see them on Amazon, I'll have to do some more reading.
  14. charlie875578

    Portable headphones options

    I'm looking for some good on or over ear hps for school, gym, and on the go. I find that I don't even listen to my favorite music when I'm out now because I don't want to listen to my favorite stuff on my inferior on the go set up (am I the only one like this?). I've been very interested in the...
  15. charlie875578

    Headphones with Denon D5000 like sound

    Hey thanks man. Very interesting, indeed.