Recent content by chib
  1. chib

    TTPOD T1-E Impressions thread

    I'm not really a believer in burn in to be honest so I don't think they are going to sound any better. That said in my honest opinion these are much better in comparison to the XBA-3's. I bought a pair that were basically brand new for 75 usd which is an incredible price but even at 75 dollars...
  2. chib

    TTPOD T1-E Impressions thread

    Well I finally received my TTPOD's.   Only spent about 30 minutes listening to these puppies so far but so far I'm very pleased.   It's nice to finally be able to listen to metal and rock again but also having the ability to listen to EDM. My pair of Xba 3's which retailed at 300 usd...
  3. chib

    TTPOD T1-E Impressions thread

    Order a pair from penon audio on nov 11 and since nov 18 it says it's been sent to canada but tracking is unavailable. should I be worried?
  4. chib

    TTPOD T1-E Impressions thread

    How would these compare to say the Sony XBA-3's? I lost my pair a while ago and have been since looking for a replacement. Currently I use my sony xb 500's that use 40 ohms of power but I'm able to drive it plenty loud with my samsung s3 so I don't think the T1-E will have any problem getting...
  5. chib

    The top-tier (USD 300+) "Bassy enough basshead IEM" list.

    Well.. xba 3's have enough bass for me. I spent 75 dollars on a pair that were used but in great condition still, Must say I love them.
  6. chib

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    I've had tried both and I can say I prefer the s500's... I returned my hd 25's, Way too expensive and lacked bass (for me) They were a great sounding phone, but not worth 200 dollars...
  7. chib

    XBA-3/ XBA-30 thread.

    Quote: I don't think the mh1's are even close to my xba 3's... I love my xba 3's to death, I put my mh1's in and I just feel sad :(
  8. chib

    Best cans for bass and dubstep U$300

    Quote:   Have you actually heard the xb500's? Doubt it. Shutup, It's electro and dubstep who the **** cares about highs and all that stupid ****. He wants wub wub, get xb500's.  
  9. chib

    Best cans for bass and dubstep U$300

    Quote: You don't need to spend money to get good results, Is all I'm trying to say. Spend if you want to, But you won't be buying anything like the xb500's...
  10. chib

    Best cans for bass and dubstep U$300

    I had a pair of dt 770 80s as well and ended up selling them... They are a lot comfier but if bass is what you after xb500 all the way my friend :)
  11. chib

    Best cans for bass and dubstep U$300

    Just get a pair of xb500's and save yourself 250 dollars lol   They are seriously epic if you love bass :)
  12. chib

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote: It's too late, I got a pair of xb500's instead. Lol :P
  13. chib

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote: Mines defective at times, I have to unplug and reconnect it because it just disappears from my sound list. Also when I go to my recording options in sound it just completely freezes unless I disable the dac. Other than that, It's fantastic for 49 dollars. Took like 3 weeks...
  14. chib

    The JVC HA-S500 thread.

    Quote:   Yeah, If you're a basshead the last thing you would want to do is stick hm5's. I learned the hard way :s
  15. chib

    XBA-3/ XBA-30 thread.

    I just gotta say, Been using these iems for a month or so daily for travel. I use them with the white silicone tips from my s3 galaxy, The stock tips are rubbish imo, all of them. The sound these produce still leaves my jaw dropped at points, For 75 dollars It's outstanding the detail...