Recent content by cmach
  1. cmach

    Hooking up preamp to my Valhalla

    Hello,   I was wondering if I could hook my Conrad Johnson CT-5 to my Schitt Valhalla amp. Can I cause any problems to either my amp or preamp by doing this? Are there any benefits to this or should I just leave well enough alone.   Thanks Chris
  2. cmach

    About to make the plunge

    Hello,   I currently own a pair of Sennheiser 595's and have decided to make the move to the 650's. From what I was able to read in reviews and in this forum the 650's need an amp to really get the best out of them. The only issue is I don't have a clue as to what amp to get?   The...
  3. cmach

    Amp for a Sennheiser 595

    A couple of years ago I purchased a pair of Sennheiser 595's on the recommendations from this site. I've been very pleased with them and have very few complaints. That being said I'm wondering if a head phone amp would make a considerable improvement? I'm currently running them via my IPod...
  4. cmach

    Sennheiser 595 vs Sennheiser HD 280 Pro

    Thanks for all your help. I've decided to go for the 595's. They seem to offer the best bang for the buck. Plus if in the future I decide to get a dedicate amp I'll be less inclined to upgrade ...I think. Cheers Cmach
  5. cmach

    Sennheiser 595 vs Sennheiser HD 280 Pro

    Hello, After doing some research I've narrowed down my search for my first pair of headphones. I'm having trouble deciding between these two models. The 595 seems like the better choice but is it overkill for if I plan on using it on my iTouch. I can get a great deal on the HD 280 Pro...
  6. cmach

    Newbie looking for first headphones

    I'm the the Los Angeles area. I listen to mostly movie soundtracks so dynamics and and an airy sound-stage would be nice to have.
  7. cmach

    Newbie looking for first headphones

    Hello, I'm in the market for my first pair of head-phones. I will be using them with my iPod Touch almost exclusively. I've had a chance to listen to a pair of Sony Studio headphones (~$100) and was very impressed. The max I could spend would be in the $175 range. I've been looking at...
  8. cmach

    Wadia 302 or MF Tri-Vista SACD

    Let me begin by thanking Jude for allowing me to post on this board. This site is truly excellent. I'm in the market for a new CD player. My current unit is an Ah! NJoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler. Overall I'm happy with the Ah! but the upgrade bug has bitten and I want to upgrade my...