Recent content by coolestguyever
  1. coolestguyever

    Best headphones to wear while sleeping?

    I've decided to get both the EX71's and the ER6's, because I recently took up gambling and found myself with a spare $200. will this decision come back to haunt me when my gambling addiction gets myself in the hole $200? Yes. But at least I cant listen to music in style!
  2. coolestguyever

    Sony EX71 vs. Etymotic ER-6

    Okay people, based only on comfort and quality, not price, which would be the better choice? Sony EX71 or Etymotic ER-6
  3. coolestguyever

    Best headphones to wear while sleeping?

    pillow speakers are stupid, i would feel like a jackass using something like that. plus they dont block out things like snoring, or drunken banter from the room next to me
  4. coolestguyever

    Best headphones to wear while sleeping?

    i seriously don't think its possible to hit your eardrums with er4's or 6's. that would be incredibly unsafe
  5. coolestguyever

    Best headphones to wear while sleeping?

    i fall asleep more easily. so, not while im asleep, while im TRYING to fall asleep. plus it blocks out any other noise, but i can still hear my alarm go off in the morning. i need headphones because i dont wanna keep my roomate up with it
  6. coolestguyever

    Best headphones to wear while sleeping?

    in that case, are the ER6's the best i can get for under $200?
  7. coolestguyever

    Best headphones to wear while sleeping?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gundam The EX71's would be a great choice. They're tiny.... and above all... they sound good. Is there a noticeable difference between those and something more expensive like ER6's?
  8. coolestguyever

    Best headphones to wear while sleeping?

    What would be the most comfortable while still good sounding headphones I could get to use while trying to sleep? Right now I have a pair of Sennheiser PX200's, and although they have a decent amount of padding they're still not at all comfortable. I'm thinking ear buds might be the way to go...