Recent content by crash88
  1. crash88

    Reply to review by 'crash88' on item 'Panasonic RP-HTF600-S Step Monitor'

    Still have mine after 12 years and they sound great. Creaky yes when putting them on but add an amp to them and they come alive!
  2. crash88

    Home-Made IEMs

    I use ballistic in a mini crock pot for an 1-2 hrs on high and poor in Pyrex cooking cup. Basically anything that can handle the temps and the size of the mold I want. The best way is to get a long wood screw and find a way to suspend in into the Pyrex cup and poor quickly while hot. A quick...
  3. crash88

    Mezzo Hifi - New AK120/AK100 Mods (WM8741 in software mode)

    I can vouch for his email working. I just sent and email to Phanom and he replied soon after. I am about to send my AK100 off to him now for an MS-AK upgrade with balanced out. I am very excited to get it back! I even decided not to take my DAP on vacation with me to get this back when I return...
  4. crash88

    Home-Made IEMs

    So I started doing my own reshells all in clear. What I would like to know is how solid colors are done? Like black and white.
  5. crash88

    The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?

    They are right but not to the point where you thinks it breaking the ear casing. I did find one pas harder than the other. Not aire if it was sizing of the pads or my headphones.
  6. crash88

    Official Ipod Video / Classic 5g+5.5g+6g+6.5g+7g SSD Mod thread

    And you don't have to hear that hard drive clicking noise anymore.
  7. crash88

    The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?

    And you can actually use them for more than 15mins without sweating up your ears. It was worth getting them just for that!
  8. crash88

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    They make the best looking CIEM's hands down. I've made my first DIY CIEM and I look at other companies and think I can make that but Noble, man it in another league!
  9. crash88

    The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?

    Agreed, it was the best upgrade I made on the phones. People say the sound is better with them but I really don't hear the difference. But the comfort was worth every cent. I use them on a daily basis at the office and still loving these cans!  
  10. crash88

    Official Ipod Video / Classic 5g+5.5g+6g+6.5g+7g SSD Mod thread

    I was wondering if anyone has seen this issue? I recently had my backlight on the LCD go out on my ipod 5gen. This was after I did an DIYimod on the logic board. Everything was find for 3 months, when my backlight to the LCD went out. I tried a new LCD and it was the same thing no backlight but...
  11. crash88

    (It Seems That) The iPhone 6 Will Have A Headphone Jack

    You mean one more cord I have to carry around! damn you junk draw at home is getting filled with your all your cords.
  12. crash88

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Thanks for the feedback! yeah I think I will look into purchasing the Fiio E9 to get some more power. Hopefully the price comes down if they release a newer version.
  13. crash88

    iPod Classic 5th Gen Sound Issues

    Rockbox has a lot more EQ features than the standard ipod and some great xfeed functions to tweak with. I'm sure that's the change you are hearing. 
  14. crash88

    The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?

    I recently bought the HTF-600 off of amazon for $28 just on a whim since I saw some good reviews on the strong bass SQ. I got them for work to keep laying around on my desk and not worry about if they get knocked around. So I tried them on and man was I surprised on how good they sound. Now I...
  15. crash88

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Does anyone know if the FiioE17 amp is strong enough push the HD650's? I recently purchased the headphones and wonder how the SQ pairing the two?