Recent content by D.Rose
  1. D.Rose

    Not impressed by the LCD-2 but LOVE the LCD-3. Anyone else?

    Quote: It might be the fact that the stock cable is already of good quality, which is very likely to be true for such hi-end headphones. But trust me, cables can make a huge leap in sound quality. I used to be a bit skeptical on that but I decide to give it a go and what I can hear is...
  2. D.Rose

    New high-end headphone amps: Vorzuge VorzAMPpure and VorzAMPduo impressions and review thread

    Quote: I thought the Glacier is already a fast ss amp like the TTVJ slim I used to own.   Anyway, despite the Vorz sounds like a promising amp, I think I won't get any portable amps anymore.
  3. D.Rose

    Grado modders go Magnum

    Quote: Thanks for your informantion, that really helps
  4. D.Rose

    Grado modders go Magnum

    And I also like to know what's V4, V5, Magnum X etc. I didn't see there's different options on their website   Thanks
  5. D.Rose

    Grado modders go Magnum

    Symphones' website said the modification is only acailable to Grado SR325 and Alessandro MS2, is it also available to Grado's SR325is?
  6. D.Rose

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    What about the Bryston BHA-1, is that a good match with the LCD-2?
  7. D.Rose

    SS DAC/Amp for HE-500 (<$850)

    oops I have missed something here My HE-500 had a 1/4" jack and I don't want to use any converter. That means, no matter how good the O2 amp is, I won't consider it.
  8. D.Rose

    SS DAC/Amp for HE-500 (<$850)

    Despite I have posted a similar thread in the computer audio forum, I dicide to ask again here as it seems like more head-fiers response here.   I am looking for a DAC/amp combo for my HE-500. My maximum spending can go up to $850 (though it is still low to many). I am not a huge fan of...
  9. D.Rose

    Which one is more worth it for my CAS?

    I am sorry for that. My budget would be under $800 and I will use it for my HiFiMAN HE-500 which I will receive shortly.
  10. D.Rose

    Which one is more worth it for my CAS?

    I am looking to build my computer as source (CAS) rig and looking for a combo of high-quality DAC and amplifier. There are several alternatives that come into my mind.   1) CEntrance DACmini 2) Schiit Bifrost + Lyr/Asgard 3) A portable DAC/Amp, maybe the CEntrance HiFi M8  ...
  11. D.Rose

    Meier Audio Quickstep (also Stepdance and 2Stepdance) Discussion and Impressions Thread

    I have been using my RWA iMod/Stepdance/JH13 combo for a while as i have just recieved my stepdance. It was a crazy experience i have to admit. I own 2 portable amps right now, the TTVJ slim and the Stepdance. The TTVJ provides a little bit clearer mids to my JH13 which is pretty nice to listen...
  12. D.Rose

    Your 'perfect' mobile rig ?

    Quote: So do I, I also want to listen to this combo. AlgoRhythm Solo => JH-3A, BEAST. 
  13. D.Rose

    Your 'perfect' mobile rig ?

    Quote: yeah you are right, a well-fitting bag is important. Some use iPad as a DAP, i don't see any reason why this is not portable.
  14. D.Rose

    Your 'perfect' mobile rig ?

    i would say RWA iMod > TTVJ slim > JH13(TWag) that's what i am using now. Probably it will be iPod classic > AlgoRhythm Solo > JH-3A > JH16 later
  15. D.Rose

    JH Audio JH-3A

    Quote: That's very useful. I always imagine if the iMod can couple with AlgoRhythm and JH-3A. Unfortunately, Ken said iMod or iPod video is not compatible with the SOLO at this point.