Recent content by dmitrykos
  1. dmitrykos

    USB-C to 3.5mm adapters (DAC) - Let's find the best

    Yes, correct. Settings are independent from USB host to which you attach DAC V1, stored in the internal Flash memory of the device and thus persist power off/on cycles.
  2. dmitrykos

    USB-C to 3.5mm adapters (DAC) - Let's find the best

    Apple does not provide API for direct access to USB devices on iOS devices, so currently it is not possible. For example on Android the NConfigurator will be built into Neutron Music Player app because it already has all necessary means to access USB device directly. On Apple, if you own Mac...
  3. dmitrykos

    USB-C to 3.5mm adapters (DAC) - Let's find the best

    Did you mean app (which one) or device?
  4. dmitrykos

    USB-C to 3.5mm adapters (DAC) - Let's find the best

    I am sure this time will come ;)
  5. dmitrykos

    USB-C to 3.5mm adapters (DAC) - Let's find the best

    4.4mm balanced requires different circuit and physically larger, so that would be good for another DAC model which would target higher output level, balanced output (maybe balanced + 3.5mm single-ended combined). Such DAC will drain more power from mobile device for sure and thus will be less...
  6. dmitrykos

    USB-C to 3.5mm adapters (DAC) - Let's find the best

    DSP functionality is not final and can be expanded depending on user wishes (if they can be supported by hardware of course), so at the moment it is initial state of DSP functionality which can be changed. One of ideas is to offer possibility to design and upload own Oversampling Filter, so...
  7. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    FAQ: What are the best settings to get the most out of Neutron?:
  8. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    Option to avoid caching can be added (but excessive options make app more and more difficult to configure for the user) but then, if you are using network sources, or album art images are very large or small and need rescaling it all will consume CPU when you scroll the library because Neutron...
  9. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    Neutron Player never shows any 3-rd party ads, nor paid nor Eval version from the day one of its public release back in 2011. It may show message from the developer about some ongoing major issue (like coping with empty library due to requirement to create source using SAF permission on Android...
  10. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    768 kHz is quite high frequency, so you need fast CPU and memory of mobile device to handle it in real-time smoothly. Otherwise buffer underruns give noise. You could try increasing HW and SW Latency in Audio Hardware, it may help at some extent due to larger buffer but still it seems CPU can't...
  11. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    @PsiCore, if OS refuses to install apk on top you can force reinstall via console command: adb install -r NeutronMP_ARM64.apk -r switch is causing forced install and thus if settings are not in public /NeutronMP but inside app's sandbox then they won't be lost. Generic APK targets lower...
  12. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    According to your screenshots Neutron detected hi-res: output is 32-bit Int, frequencies 44100 - 192000, so your device does not need those options, as you got hi-res audio out of the box.
  13. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    There is thread in StackOverflow saying that REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS may result in app ban in Google Play. It probably makes sense to build such opt-out request in Neutron's Generic apk though (will consider it). If playback breaks when output goes to USB DAC (Direct USB Access...
  14. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    Actually it is some Android's sporadic bug. Try uninstalling Neutron, reboot device and install again. During playback Neutron acquires CPU lock via Android's API and there is no bug in that area.
  15. dmitrykos

    Android: Neutron Music Player

    Debugging did not show any problems. Listening test also confirms that Crossfeed DSP is working as expected - stereo image becomes less dominating. Did you compare with previous version (<= 2.20.x)? Try setting frequency to 3000 Hz and play with Level, in case of 1 dB stereo image becomes...