Recent content by drmcworm
  1. drmcworm

    usps international

    usps is around 4-5 working days, (deduct Sunday , Saturday and national holiday). Some time it get stuck in customs a day or two, a week... also note that usps does not do it self the destination country delivery it give it to the local post partner.. so If your local post is on strike (...
  2. drmcworm

    Wireless Adapter for SA6

    In order for me to get skips or channel switch (maybe) I need to be 5 m away from the receiver ( in an wireless heavy environnement )
  3. drmcworm

    Wireless Adapter for SA6

    I dont get skips or cut out Bass are too intense for me went back to bass = even considering bass - ...
  4. drmcworm

    Wireless Adapter for SA6

    I found that the W1 change a lot the SA6 signature. Bass lover will be thrilled for sure
  5. drmcworm

    Wireless Adapter for SA6

    how do you switch on or off the preamp?
  6. drmcworm

    Why the heck are people dissing the SA6 for being a single driver?

    Quote: Originally Posted by digivate Yeah, good point ... the SA6 took 3 years of development, as opposed to all those dual and triple driver IEMs that could easily have been knocked together in a couple of hours or less. Actually ... Some product out there use reference design...
  7. drmcworm

    Why the heck are people dissing the SA6 for being a single driver?

    To me It's pretty weird appreciate the price of an audio devise based on the price or number of it's components.
  8. drmcworm

    Authorized dealers in the EU besides hifi headphones?

    remember that you need to take into consideration that the US $ pricetag exclude taxes in other words VAT. etc
  9. drmcworm

    Wireless Adapter for SA6

    if you were to use the wireless with a digital piano, would you think that the noise would be an issue? can you give exemple of tracks and times where you heard the noise. can you try on: Gary Jules Mad world Archie Shepp's Deep River (Goin' Home) or How Long Blues 5 Trouble in Mind) Star...
  10. drmcworm

    Sleek SA6

    @ BloodSugar00 there are several improvements that have been made in armatures to name a few: ferro fluid damping , diamond shape coil etc.. Strictly from a spec point of view simply looking at manufacturer catalogue: less distortion, greater output for smaller size, more controlled freq...
  11. drmcworm

    Sleek SA6

    Quote: Originally Posted by dfkt I'm just wondering how a single armature can provide for everything from the deepest bass to the highest treble. I'm not being sarcastic here. We are talking about armature here not electrodynamic loudspeaker, Armature speaker are by definition...
  12. drmcworm

    Wireless Adapter for SA6

    I don't recall people noticing such noise during the Can Jam on the pre-production unit. I hope it's an unfortunate unit.
  13. drmcworm

    Losing parts on the Sleek SA6?

    Quote: Originally Posted by hear_the_sound Hello, I am considering buying these based on all the good reviews here, but the cnet review really worries me. "The modular design of the Sleek Audio SA6 means there are a lot of little parts to lose." I read this comment on Cnet's...
  14. drmcworm

    Sleek Audio SA6 Reviews

    an other great review sleek audio sa6