
Music and gears as necessary for a pleasant trip
to that sweet-sweet dopamine / serotonin fix

“Better than music for I, I who heard it”
Awoke, remembering a dream of an America where

a chicken could cross the road without motives being questioned.
:wave: :L3000::wave:
Saint Pete Beach, FL
Political Science

Love of Wisdom (Philosophy)


Explorations in music & music history

World history in general

Headphone Inventory
Source: Aurender A-10, Oppo BDP-103d as transport (SACD)

DAC : T&A Dac 200, Auralic VEGA,
Meir Corda Opera w/DAC, A-10 server w/DAC

IEM : CFA Classic Solaris, Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk, (at home use)

Pixel - Qobuz, Sony WF-1000XM
( impressive SQ (LDAC} going mobile )

Listening Room (12x23): Magnapan 3.7i
Audio Physic Avanti 30th Anniversary
Does this addiction ever end...Having great hopes, not~

Amps: Pass Labs x-250.8 ;')
Sanders Mag-tech Balanced XLR,
Pass Labs X-150.8 XLR
Parasound A-21

PreAmps: Parrasound JC-2
Audio Research Tube Hybrid LS-17SE Preamp

Furman 15A power distro

SVS SB-4000 (BT app)

Wires All: Cardas Audio , XLR & RCA connects w/ Cardas Reference speaker wires

GIK: 6 acoustic panels: 2 sides, 5 behind & 4 GIK bass traps w/ front wall defused & 1 GIK AP centered
Headphone Amp Inventory
Meir Corda Opera Head-amp
Lots and lots (having previous Head-Fi membership since 2006 I've built several S.S. and tube amped systems from budget through as shown). Presently really enjoying the IEM in head presentations.
AKGs- 701, 702 , Denon AH-D-7000, Beyer DT-990...
Source Inventory
Oppo 105D as transport & for SACD’s
T & A DAC-200
Auralic Vega (for 10yrs, retired)
Retired/ Union Crane Operator/Hoisting Engineer


“And Those Who Were Seen Dancing Were Thought To Be Insane
By Those Who Could Not Hear The Music.” - Fredrich Nietzsche
"I am the proprietor of the Penguin Cafe,
I will tell you things at random." - Simon Jeffes


