Recent content by galaxy999
  1. galaxy999

    If you could only have one pair.

    HD800 also here
  2. galaxy999

    Need a little help

    yeah DT880 would suit u I believe,BTW i prefer 250ohm version than 80ohm
  3. galaxy999

    What next?

    Open backed ones always mean sound leaking:cry:
  4. galaxy999

    Sennheiser HD820

    I do as well
  5. galaxy999

    How to fix a driver volume imbalance

    No idea:disappointed_relieved:
  6. galaxy999

    Harman - a Samsung Company

    Now Samsung could announce their Hi-Fi proeprties, Holy Smoke
  7. galaxy999

    It's got to stop!

    At least some human-made companies still care us, rather than those Alien-made
  8. galaxy999

    HD 598 vs HD 600?

    Thank you very much.Seems HD598SR gets me
  9. galaxy999

    Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread

    i found HD650 better than HD600
  10. galaxy999

    Beyerdynamic Amiron Home (the new T90)

    still loving DT1990PRO
  11. galaxy999

    HD 598 vs HD 600?

    HD598Cs/SR/SE................Any differences?
  12. galaxy999

    K545 as a replacement for the K550
