Recent content by harrihart
  1. H

    Denon AH-7200

    I got this but am I supposed to destroy the headphone's own cushion to make it work? Because even at longest setting it's too high to fit ears in. Luckily my head is tiny, so it's usable if I put headband to front of my head, but no ideal...
  2. H

    Denon AH-7200

    Thanks. It's the most uncomfortable (painful) headphone I have ever used. Amazon is a bit difficult these days thanks to raised 99€ boundary for free postage (will double the cost) but it only seems to be 27€ shipped from Ebay/aliexpress could be better. E. 27€ was returned product.
  3. H

    Denon AH-7200

    What should I buy/do to my D7200 to make the headband usable (pain)? Or is it lost cause?
  4. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Wow, thanks all. Never knew of that. This is fantastic, because I already have FF5. But if UTWS15 is coming, I should probably wait for it. I've been ready to get external DAC/AMP too. The problem is, I don't know if it would work with my Pico 4 VR headset. Some work, some not. But this as a...
  5. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Any decent wireless open earbuds? I'm forced to get them too, thanks to phones, tablets and now even stand-alone VR devices no longer having headphone ports. Sucks.
  6. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Thanks for the info. I managed to find the part. It was a goddamn miracle. After trying to find it for days and giving up, it suddenly appeared on top of my office chair. And I live alone. And have checked that chair inside and out. Apparently I had also been sitting on top of it for hours. But...
  7. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Yeah. But if they are all like that (I can easily drop more) what does it help? Guess I have to be super careful to never put my finger close to those things again. I never tried to take it out, or put any attention to it, before it first happened. To be honest it still sounds great, but it...
  8. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    FiiO FF5. That silver thing on other side of my left bud is gone. Can't find it anywhere. It was already loose once, I got very distorted sound then, and found it was loose. Could put it back on. But now it's gone. I tried to gently move one on the right bud, and it also moved half out. I don't...
  9. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    After using FiiO FF5 more (with included balanced foams) the only thing I don't like about it is mid bass? Or somewhere between mids and bass there is some kind of very strong roundness in the sound, that I'm not used to. That area doesn't sound detailed and is just cheap sounding imo. Other...
  10. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Finally gathered enough courage to order FiiO FF5 and it came very fast from ( I'm quite new to open earbuds, but own these First I wasn't very impressed without any foams. Thin sound and...
  11. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Guess I will order Fiio FF5 if it is the best in it's price cat shipped here. Should be 124€+0+0. For products outside EU I have to add 24% customs fee + possible shipping, but that is usually free. Would be nice to have best parts of FF3 and FF5 in one bud, but I have to choose. Many seem to...
  12. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Thanks. I did some research. What I found, it has lots of mid bass. Could be good for my genres (EDM, pop), but it isn't the best in other areas? Or is it because it used to be more expensive? I could get FiiO FF5 much cheaper here in Europe (33% less without customs duty). Is that not good...
  13. H

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Where can I find earbuds (open) recommendations? Budget (hmm) 150€, electro/pop/dance music.
  14. H

    Audeze Penrose X and Penrose

    Because it adds $17 shipping + customs, and we do have places like with free shipping and no customs. Wicked Cushions is in, but for some reason they don't ship to Finland. This is very rare to see, and I don't know why. If seller was Amazon they would.
  15. H

    Audeze Penrose X and Penrose

    Which earpads would you suggest for Penrose? I'm in Europe, so no USA stores. Will they affect sound negatively?