Recent content by ilikebands
  1. ilikebands

    Let's give it up for the PX-100s.

    Quote:   I disagree.  The HD650 have overwhelming bass and they still possess plenty of resolution.  
  2. ilikebands

    Let's give it up for the PX-100s.

    Can anyone point me to a headphone that matches the PX-100s overall sound balance but increases its resolution and vigor, such as a full-size can would? 
  3. ilikebands

    Let's give it up for the PX-100s.

    I don't find the PX-100s heavy on the bass at all.  To me they have just the right amount of low end.  It is actually present and able to be followed, unlike the SR125 in which you have to strain to hear any bass lines.  I would look further up the Grado chain since I do like some air and bite...
  4. ilikebands

    Let's give it up for the PX-100s.

    I've tried a few different sets of audiophile cans (notably the Grado SR125 and Sennheiser HD650), and in my opinion, none can match the sound balance of the PX-100s.  As is commonly argued by Grado detractors, the SR125s to me sound overly bright and harsh in the upper ranges with not enough...
  5. ilikebands

    Using Treble-Boosting EQ on the HD650 to defeat the veil

    Quote: yeah I think this is probably the correct response.  I really should have bought the HD600s.  What's the used market like for these things on ebay, anyway?
  6. ilikebands

    Using Treble-Boosting EQ on the HD650 to defeat the veil

    what frequencies do you reduce (or increase) in an EQ to cut out the mid bass hump?
  7. ilikebands

    Using Treble-Boosting EQ on the HD650 to defeat the veil

    Alright, for the last few months I've been uncertain of my purchase of the HD650s.  I'm amazed at the amount of detail these babies can put out, but I soon realized that the "HD650 veil" was not at all a myth.  The music just sounds dulled and blanketed in an effort to smooth out the edges and...
  8. ilikebands

    Is My Receiver A Headphone Amp As Well?

    My Yamaha AX-497 is rated at .3v/680 ohms.  I am wondering if this would make buying a dedicated headphone amp unnecessary.  They seem to work great driving my Senn HD650 right now, but when I volume match with an Ipod at 100%, there is not a huge difference in sound.    I also noticed that...
  9. ilikebands

    Is a tube headphone amp right for me?

    I was listening to a few albums on vinyl last night and I realized the grainy sound I was complaining about was corrected when listening to an LP.  Maybe the problem lies not in the equipment but in the digital format in general?
  10. ilikebands

    Is a tube headphone amp right for me?

    I'm somewhat of a noob in the realm of headphone amplifiers, having never heard a tube amp in my life and only budget solid state amps like the udac and pa2v2.  Although I've read much in the debate between solid state and tube, I'm still not entirely clear on their differences.  People may use...
  11. ilikebands

    SR-80i brightness

    Quote:   Yeah this is an accurate description of the Grado sound.  It is also the reason why I don't really like listening to them.  I feel like I'm being overwhelmed, caught up in the middle of the music and not really so much listening to it.  In other words, Grados sound like your...
  12. ilikebands

    Using integrated amp/receiver as primary headphone amp

    Quote:   The only thing I'm kind of missing that I had with my Grado SR-125 is that sparkling, ear tickling amount of detail in the higher ranges.  Maybe the HD650 just aren't the type of phones for that.  At any rate, I like them much more than my SR-125.   
  13. ilikebands

    Using integrated amp/receiver as primary headphone amp

    oh yeah I love it.  I just fear the upgrade bug has gotten into me and that somehow I could improve upon this lovely sound even more.    also,   Quote:   Is there a way of knowing if your integrated amp is coming directly off the output transformer for your mains or if your...
  14. ilikebands

    WHAT AMP do I get for my new Sennheiser HD650 HD 650?

    I'm in a similar predicament myself in trying to decide which headphone amp to buy for my HD650.  I often hear the Little Dot MK iii and mk iv namedropped as a good pairing for them, but I am a little worried about sacrificing clarity and that ear-tickling detail with a tube amp.  Should I go...
  15. ilikebands

    Using integrated amp/receiver as primary headphone amp

    I want some opinions on using the headphone output on an integrated amp or receiver with a set of good cans.  I recently purchased the HD650 and found the sound sorely lacking until I plugged them into my new integrated amp, a Yamaha AX-497.  I was certainly not expecting this kind of...